Publicación: Zooplancton en la larvicultura de peces neotropicales | Prieto G., Martha | spa | | Atencio G., Víctor | spa | | 2008-05-01 00:00:00 | | | 2022-07-01T20:59:27Z | | | 2008-05-01 00:00:00 | | | 2022-07-01T20:59:27Z | | | 2008-05-01 | |
dc.format.mimetype | application/pdf | spa |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.21897/rmvz.401 | |
dc.identifier.eissn | 1909-0544 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 0122-0268 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.identifier.url | | |
dc.language.iso | spa | spa |
dc.publisher | Universidad de Córdoba | spa |
dc.relation.bitstream | | |
dc.relation.citationedition | Núm. 2 , Año 2008 : Revista MVZ Córdoba Volumen 13(2) Mayo-Agosto 2008 | spa |
dc.relation.citationissue | 2 | spa |
dc.relation.citationvolume | 13 | spa |
dc.relation.ispartofjournal | Revista MVZ Córdoba | spa |
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dc.relation.references | Barguil D, Lora LG, Prieto Guevara MJ, Morales MA, Marinez A, Hernandez A. Efecto de la densidad inicial de siembra en el cultivo del rotífero Brachionus patulus. In: memorias de II Congreso Colombiano de Acuicultura- X Jornada de AcuiculturaIALL. Villavicencio (Col); 2004 | spa |
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dc.rights.accessrights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | spa |
dc.rights.coar | | spa |
dc.rights.uri | | spa |
dc.source | | spa |
dc.subject | Zooplankton | spa |
dc.subject | larvae | spa |
dc.subject | fishes | spa |
dc.subject | aquaculture | spa |
dc.subject | feeding | spa |
dc.subject | tropic. | spa |
dc.title | Zooplancton en la larvicultura de peces neotropicales | spa |
dc.title.translated | Zooplancton en la larvicultura de peces neotropicales | eng |
dc.type | Artículo de revista | spa |
dc.type | Journal article | eng |
dc.type.coar | | spa |
dc.type.coar | | spa |
dc.type.coarversion | | spa |
dc.type.content | Text | spa |
dc.type.driver | info:eu-repo/semantics/article | spa |
dc.type.redcol | | spa |
dc.type.version | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion | spa |
dspace.entity.type | Publication |