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Publicación Acceso abierto 1er workshop nacional: de investigación en la formación inicial de profesores de ciencias “reflexiones de la investigación formativa en ciencias mediada por contextos tecnológicos”(Fondo Editorial - Universidad de Córdoba, 2022-08-19) Gutiérrez Salazar, César Augusto; Jiménez Cuabas, Juliana Cristina; Lozana Ramos, Dayana Patricia; Cadavid Velásquez, Edith de Jesús; Pérez Vásquez, Nabi del Socorro; Cuéllar García, Andrés; Meza González, Yuranis; Ruíz Camargo, Laura; Agudelo Arteaga, Karen Patricia; Mercado Mercado, Francisco; Doria Rojas, Mary Luz; Álvarez Ruiz, Leidys Marcela; Vidal Herrera, Juan Fernando; Rojas Miranda, Audis Paola; Flórez Nisperuza, Elvira Patricia; Lora Pino, Julio Manuel; González Blanquicett, Diana Yohana; Agudelo Arteaga, Karen Patricia; Cantero Ariza, Jesús David; Contreras Álvarez, María Alejandra; Naranjo Zuluaga, Claudia Patricia; Salgado Vargas, José Alberto; Mármol Pitalua, Iván David; Doria López, Keissy del Carmen; Humánez Yánez, Bladimir; Ottogalli, María Emilia; Ángel Bermúdez, Gonzalo Miguel; Quintero Ramírez, Diana Marcela; Valbuena Ussa, Edgar Orlay; Retamosa Polo, Kelly Johanna; Hernández Luna, Sandra Vanessa; Bertel Flórez, Juan Jesús; Hernández Benítez, Ovier David; Mercado Ávila, Karen Dayana; Ortega Sánchez, Estefanía; Naranjo Zuluaga, Claudia Patricia; Padilla Ballesta, Luis Daniel; Vega Durango, Carolina; Esquivel Grau, Jesús; Flórez Nisperuza, Patricia; Morelo Ojeda, MelisaLa vereda el Pensil del municipio de la Argentina, Huila, Colombia se caracteriza por sus cultivos de café, sin embargo, en estos habitan organismos como las serpientes y los murciélagos de los cuales se desconoce el valor biológico que tienen estos individuos y como consecuencia de esto atentan contra ellos destruyendo el equilibrio ecológico del ecosistema. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior se planteó como objetivo de investigación generar conciencia ambiental a través de una experiencia significativa sobre la importancia biológica de los quirópteros y serpientes El proyecto de investigación se desarrolló a partir de guías por parte los estudiantes los cuales indagaron concepciones en torno a las serpientes y murciélagos, donde se conoció la visión de la comunidad acerca del papel ecológico que cumplen. Se evidenció el desconocimiento por parte de la comunidad pues se observa que el mayor porcentaje de personas no conocen la función de controladores de plagas de ambos organismos o las funciones polinizadoras y dispersoras de semillas de los murciélagos. En conclusión, la falta de educación ambiental puede llevar a que la comunidad genere desequilibrio biológico y atente contra especies que les genera cierto temor y que están rodeadas de mitos productos del conocimiento popular.Publicación Acceso abierto 2do Workshop Internacional de Investigación formativa en ciencias para afrontar tiempos de cambio(Fondo Editorial - Universidad de Córdoba, 2022-11-02) Avendaño Rondón, Leonardo; Parada Restrepo, Jorge Enrrique; Pineda Hernández, Laura Catalina; Vanegas Olarte, Paula Natalia; Olarte Saavedra, Adriana Carolina; Soto Puras, Pablo; González, Andrea; Núñez, Pablo; Lerma Gómez, Katterine; Barrios Romero, Neidy Yurani; Garay Carrascal, Julio simón; Agudelo Arteaga, Karen Patricia; Mass, María Virginia; Cano Londoño, Laura Melissa; Henao Giraldo, Vanessa María; Sierra Escobar, Mauricio Andrés; Mejía Almanza, Camila; Rosario, Javier Enrique; Rojas Murcia, José Milton; Agudelo Arteaga, Karen Patricia; Diaz Barrios, José Luis; Tirado Ibarra, Juan Camilo; Primera, Mario J.; Lorduy, Danny J.; Mestra Racero, Diana Marcela; Lora Pino, Julio Manuel; González Blanquicet, Diana Yohana; Agudelo Arteaga, Karen Patricia; Salas, Rosa de las; Agudelo Arteaga, Karen; Arrieta, Yurany; Regis, Jean Gabriel; Cabreira, Larissa Kny; Piasetzki, Cláudia Thomé da Rosa; Marchesan, Claudia; Boff, Eva Teresinha de Oliveira; Naranjo Zuluaga, Claudia Patricia; Amórtegui Cedeño, Elías Francisco; Ortiz González, Katy Yulisa; Torres Vásquez, Roger Elí; Almeida, Obertal da Silva; Cuitiva Villadiego, Natalia A.; Hoyos Nieves, Erika A.; Pérez Vásquez, Nabi del Socorro; Díaz Velásquez, Leiner; Vidal Herrera, Juan Fernando; Aycardi Morinelly, María Paulina; Vergara Gómez, Mariana; Conde Hoyos, Domingo Andrés; Tous Patrón, Paula Andrea; Vergara pascasio, María Fernanda; Moreno-Rodríguez, Andrei Steveen; Massena, Elisa P.; Galiazzi, Maria do Carmo; Sousa Teles, Jeiza; Calixto, Vivian; Dorneles, Aline Machado; Ariza, Leidy Gabriela; Sousa, Robson Simplício de; Díaz Ramírez, Camila; Ravanal Moreno, Eduardo; Silgado Murillo, Andrea Marcela; Velásquez Ballestero, Claudina; Guerra Arroyo, Luisa Fernanda; Reyes Díaz, María José; Mercado Mercado, Francisco; Agudelo Arteaga, Karen Patricia; Norambuena Gallardo, Yasnna; Padilla Ballesta, Luis Daniel; Vega Durango, Carolina; Doria Rojas, Mary Luz; Méndez Mercado, Daniel Eduardo; Díaz Vega, Nohemí; Martínez Caraballo, Gloria Eliana; Jiménez Simanca, Luis Ángel; Oidor García, Sindy; Gómez Jovanni, Arturo; Alarcón Barraza, Jocelyn Fabiola; Portillo Páez, Francisco Miguel; Alarcón Solera, Daniela; Mestra, Alifhers; Henríquez, Rodrigo; Dalchiele, Enrique; Torres, Roger; Álvarez Ruiz, Leidys; Bertel Flórez, Juan; Hernández Benítez, Ovier; Cadavid Velásquez, Edith de Jesús; Cantero Ariza, Jesús David; Contreras Álvarez, María Alejandra; Taborda Miranda, Liliana Paola; Sierra Sánchez, Ana Gabriela; Cadavid Velásquez, Edith de Jesús; Pérez Herrera, José Carlos; Sáenz Ramos, Angélica Zenith; Cadavid Velásquez, Edith de Jesús; Iglesias Doria, Paula Andrea; Perneth López, Javier Eduardo; Doria Rojas, Mary Luz; Salgado Vargas, José Alberto; Mercado Villadiego, Andrea Carolina; Flórez Nisperuza, Elvira Patricia; Otero Vargas, Eva Katherine; Doria Rojas, Mary Luz; Agudelo Arteaga, Karen Patricia; Cadavid Vásquez, Edith de Jesús; Quiroz Gatica, Francisca; Chaspuengal Martínez, José David; Franco Moreno, Ricardo Andrés; Pérez Miranda, Royman; Sánchez Morales, Valentina; Díaz Velásquez, Leiner; Rojas Conejera, Alejandra; Lucero, RocíoLa presente propuesta de investigación formativa en el contexto de la didáctica de las ciencias naturales, matemáticas y tecnología, tiene el objetivo de convertirse en una estrategia didáctica que desarrollará las capacidades científicas y entrará en tensión con las competencias exigidas por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) para la presentación de la prueba saber 11, esta misma profundizará en la búsqueda de respuestas frente al desinterés evidente por el estudio de las ciencias en estudiantes cursando ciclo V de instituciones educativas distritales. Para ello realizaremos una prueba piloto con estudiantes del ciclo V del colegio Japón IED, más específicamente con la participación de aquellos alumnos que cuenten con capacidades y aptitudes científicas para conformar y ser parte del semillero “EduQVersa Junior” del mismo colegio. Lo anterior con el fin de obtener resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos para posteriormente organizar una feria científica, ésta misma pretenderá potencializar el interés y asombro en el estudio de las ciencias por medio de proyectos basados con la metodología STEAM, para ulteriormente ser expuesto el día del campo científico, el Workshop, entre otros eventos de difusión de índole local, nacional e internacional. Con los anteriores objetivos se espera fomentar procesos investigativos iniciales en el campo de las ciencias y buscarán incentivar en general en los estudiantes de ciclo V un mayor interés y continuidad en la formación de su educación superior en el estudio de esta área, siendo una apuesta de focalización que se entrecruza con el componente académico y la consolidación del proyecto de vPublicación Acceso abierto 2nd One Health Colombia International Symposium OHCIS2019(2019-11-23) Carrascal Velásquez, Juan Carlos; Pettan-Brewer, Klaisy Christina; Pastrana Puche, Norys estella; González Meza, Jorge Humberto; Botero Serna, Yésica Paola; Figueroa, Daniela; Cediel Becerra, Natalia Margarita; Colombia, One Health; Córdoba, Universidad de; Universidad de Córdoba; Universidad de la Salle; Universidad de Santander; Fundación Universitaria Agraria de Colombia; Universidad del Sinú; University of Washington; Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana; Instituto Tecnologico San Agustin; Universidad de la República de Uruguay; Fundación Omacha; Fundación Ikotea; Corporación Autónoma Regional de los Valles del Sinú y del San Jorge; Cunaguaro; One health Commission; International Student One Health Alliance – ISOHA; Bienestar Animal y GIIS; Grupo de Estudio de Fauna Silvestre; Semillero de Investigación una Salud; IMAT Oncomedica s.a; One health Latinoamérica; Federación Colombiana de Ganaderos; Centro de Investigación Aplicada de Chile; Rescatemos el Caño Bugre; Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria; Semillero Instituto de Investigaciones biológicas del trópico; Semillero de Investigación CEINA; The Wildlife Center of Virginia; One Welfare; Corporación Autónoma Regional de Sucre; Arquitectura y Muebles RCV; Asociación Colombiana de Ciencias Biológicas; Consejo profesional de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia de Colombia; Gabrica; Centro Veterinario Sabuesos; Ganadería el Rosario; Ayala García, Estela Marina; Carrascal Velásquez, Juan Carlos; Pastrana Puche, Norys Estella; González Meza, Jorge Humberto; Botero Serna, Yésica Paola; Castro Arrieta, Bernest Antonio E.P.D; Cheryl M. Stroud, DVM, PhD; Cheryl M. Stroud, DVM, PhD; Christina Pettan-Brewer DVM, MSc; Clara Viviana Rua Bustamante, Zoot, MSc1; Lorena Aguayo Ulloa, MV, PhD; Patricia Hernández-Rodríguez, D.Sc, M.Sc, Esp, B.Sc; Cesar Rojano, MVZ, MSc; Ruben David Torres Sena; Natalia Margarita Cediel Becerra; Diego Soler-Tovar; Esperanza Polanía Pardo; Causil F, Valentina; Issa D, Camila; Mestra G, Lina; Salcedo S, Javier; Verbel E, Melanie; Mendoza N, Leidy; Bustamante R, Angélica; Padilla G Kevin E; Pimienta R Gisela C; Mercado M Iván D; Cubillán A Néstor; Camacho O Hansel L; Campos N Diana C; Moreno M Gabriel J; Mercado M Iván D; Moreno M Gabriel JEl concepto One Health (una salud) reconoce que la salud de las personas está relacionada con la salud de los animales y el medio ambiente. Los centros de control y prevención de enfermedades – CDC a nivel global, utilizan el enfoque de One Health al trabajar con médicos, veterinarios, ecólogos, abogados, administradores y muchos otros profesionales de las diferentes áreas del conocimiento, para monitorear y controlar las amenazas a la salud pública y aprender cómo las enfermedades se propagan entre las personas, los animales y el medio ambiente. Otra de las áreas de importancia que abarca este concepto es su trabajo en la resistencia antimicrobiana y la seguridad e inocuidad alimentaria, como también la atención de animales humanos y no humanos pos-desastres y la resiliencia.Ítem Acceso abierto 4° Simposio Internacional de Investigación en Administración en Salud - Memorias(Fondo Editorial - Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-12-01) Durán Rojas, Elvira; Universidad de CórdobaEl 4° Simposio Internacional de Investigación en Administración en Salud (SIIAS) “Organizaciones Saludables” organizado por el Departamento de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Córdoba (Unicórdoba) desarrollado el 4 de noviembre de 2023 de manera virtual, tuvo como finalidad compartir y plantear nuevo conocimiento, que incentivó el quehacer individual y colectivo, de profesionales, docentes, estudiantes y comunidad en general. En este 4° SIIAS el emblema “Organizaciones Saludables” surge de lo fundamental que es para las empresas contar con recursos y prácticas organizacionales saludables para estructurar y organizar el trabajo, mantener a sus clientes internos y grupos de trabajo con alto bienestar psicosocial para alcanzar resultados organizacionales saludables tales como alto desempeño organizacional, excelencia organizacional, buenas relaciones con el entorno organizacional y con la comunidad (Salanova et al., 2016).Publicación Acceso abierto A buen ritmo(Editorial Zenú: Ed. 2013, 2013) Castillo Gómez, Julio Roberto; Ballesteros Leal, Henry Andrés; Posada Durango, Oscar LuisEl presente libro es una propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lectoescritura rítmica, que pretende no sólo enseñar sus elementos básicos, sino también, brindar recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de estos por parte de quienes aborden su estudio. Está dirigido a los músicos y a estudiantes de música, en especial a los músicos del Departamento de Córdoba. Esto último, porque el libro surge de la reflexión que el autor hace sobre el poco conocimiento y dominio de la simbología musical manifiesta en el fenómeno musical de la región, lo cual impide, que las obras compuestas sean codificadas en un papel pautado, imposibilitando, de esta manera, la divulgación y conservación de nuestro patrimonio cultural e impidiendo que nuestros músicos y estudiantes de música tengan acceso a otras lecturas musicales.Publicación Acceso abierto A DFT study of the structural and electronic properties of cerium-doped zinc oxide(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-11-13) Rodriguez Mena, Eimy Yohana; Alcalá Varilla, Luis Arturo; Casiano Jimenez, Gladys Rocio; Ortega López, CésarRecent experimental studies have shown that the photocatalytic activity of zinc oxide is enhanced when doped with cerium and that these enhancements depend on the doping concentration, particularly the highest photocatalytic activity rates have been reported for cerium concentrations in zinc oxide close to 3\% or 5\%. So far, there is no sufficient explanation for why the maximum photocatalytic activity rates of cerium-doped zinc oxide occur for the above concentrations. The main objective of this work is to try to explain those mentioned above. For this, we carried out a study based on the density functional theory on the effects generated on the structural and electronic properties of different concentrations of cerium in zinc oxide, and we found that the relative position of the fermi level could be related to the highest photocatalytic activity of the $Zn_{1-x}Ce_xO$. We also observed that the energy band gap of the $Zn_{1-x}Ce_xO$ system decreases when the cerium concentration decreases, which may mean that cerium-doped zinc oxide can absorb visible light. Furthermore, the progressive decrease of the energy band gap is associated with a reduction of the lattice parameters of the systemPublicación Acceso abierto A foreign language educator’s lived experiences while using technology in times of pandemic(2022-07-29) Díaz Zurita, Juan Sebastián; Hernandez Viloria, Maria Jose; Herazo Rivera, José DavidThere have been many challenges in education due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Communication and information technologies, however, have become hope amidst pandemic, as they have allowed the teaching and learning process to be developed. Remote education during pandemic has been the topic of many researchers to uncover the essence of teachers’ lived experience from various perspectives. However, little has been done on exploring the lived experiences of L2 teachers in school contexts. The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of English educators with online education in a public school in the department of Cordoba, Colombia. This study employed a descriptive phenomenological design. The researcher collected the data through in-depth, semi-structured interviews and reflective diaries. The data was analyzed through Colaizzi's phenomenological seven steps. The study found that remote education during Covid-19 implied encountering multiple mixed feelings and perceptions that were mostly associated with Covid-19’s obstacles. The integration of ICTs, however, served as a bridge amidst pandemic’s hurdles to allow the continuity of the teaching and learning process. This integration as result, provided new opportunities to discover new technological considerations and to enrich the participant’s life and professional aspects. This study highlights the transcendence of the participant’s perception towards the lived experience and the significance of ICTs in the adaptation process of moving from a physical modality to virtual spaces.Publicación Sólo datos A new species of Schizopera (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Miraciidae) from Colombia(Universidad de Córdoba, 2014-09-20) Fuentes-Reinés, Juan M; Gómez, SamuelPublicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-02-18) Ramos Musiry, José Enrique; Alegría Roqueme, Daniela Paola; Tuiran Martínez, Ana; Aguas Castillo, PedroPrior to anything else, it's important to note that leadership and empowerment are topics that have recently received attention from the community at large as well as from instructors and students. In order to properly include leadership and empowerment into education, both individually and collectively, we first define these terms. This personal leadership statement emphasizes the skills and resources required to be an effective leader. Additionally, it is founded on earlier studies that have shown how effective leadership is in diverse areas of human engagement. Finally, our direct implication in leadership and empowerment which enables us to be a catalyst for positive change in not only our followers but also everyone around us.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-09-29) González Ortiz, María Isabel; Movilla Hoyos, Kleyver Johel; Pérez García, Simón David; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThe concept and applicability of leadership has reached education. However, defining its role, goals and meanings for educators is not an easy end. After exchanging perspectives, analyzing multiple sources and discussing assumptions, a prudent consensus has emerged in this paper. That is, leadership will be addressed as a collaborative activity that inspires teachers to participate in the reflective transformation of their own career while influencing others around them to do soPublicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-25) Bulasco Flórez, Liliana María; Rodríguez Montiel, Lina Marcela; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloFirst of all, this document starts with the meaning of leadership and empowerment and discusses the concept of empowering leadership and how important is to put in practice is to achieve goals. Individually or collectively. It summarize the tools and measuring instruments of empowering leadership. Second, on the basis of Some researches, it shows the antecedents and effectiveness as well as about this method. Finally, the implications of characterizing ourselves as empowered leaders and all the benefits and implications for us as future teacher leaders.Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(2023-02-26) Baquero Flórez, Daniel Alberto; Cantero Arroyave, María Isabel; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership is nowadays considered one of the most important skills of the last century. It is present in our everyday life and happens in every place from a simple classroom to a big company. According to Daft (2008), Leadership involves influence, it occurs among people, and those people intentionally desire significant changes, and the changes reflect purposes shared by leaders and followers. In this sense, leadership is not only making individual decisions but working according to what surrounds us to achieve objectives and purposes; leadership is about how much we can inspire the ones who surround us.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Espitia Osorio, Carolina Marcela; González Estrada, Alexander; Orozco Cerpa, Lilibeth Karina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis abstract explores the concept of authentic leadership and its implications for the future. It emphasizes the qualities of authentic leaders, such as confidence, transparency, and a focus on developing others. The importance of collaboration and flexible thinking in leadership is highlighted. The abstract also discusses leadership empowerment and its role in fostering autonomy and decision-making power. The plan for future teachers is to apply the knowledge gained to become leading teachers who can bring positive change to educational institutions. In conclusion, teacher empowerment is crucial for reflective and authentic teaching practices, and schools must prioritize stakeholder commitment, leadership development, and a collaborative culture for successful leadership plans.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-02-18) Arcia Hernández, María José; Cotes Arroyo, María Victoria; Aguas Castillo, PedroIn the educational progress of an institution, leadership is a skill that enhances the efficiency and equity of education of a group, not only of individuals. Its function is to improve the results and influence the motivations and abilities of all the members that belong to it, and what better way than to implement the term empowerment and authenticity to promote positive changes? In this personal leadership statement, we cover key leadership concepts, our own assumptions, and the possible implications if we implement them in institutions with a plan for future development as great leaders. The plan is to use empowerment to transform the process of being a teacher into a more authentic and open leader. Thus, the plan proposed leads to better satisfaction and growth.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2021-07-15) Vidal Figueredo, Andrea Carolina; Jaramillo Saez, Mary Eugenia; Galarcio Triana, Lorena Patricia; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn this research we seek to capture our ideas and experiences about a common ideal (teacher leadership), together our experiences gave very similar results in terms of the behavior and ease of a teacher in the classroom, helping us to find better ways to teach, to explain, and to address students.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Núñez Ortiz, Daniela Sofía; Pineda Agámez, Loren's; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis leadership statement discusses the concept of leadership which can be defined as the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others towards a common goal or vision; also, it explains the concept of moral leadership and its implications for the teaching community. It emphasizes the importance of being a leader who prioritizes the welfare of others and makes decisions based on ethical principles.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Cabrera Herrera, Gilber Alberto; Cali Guzmán, Oscar David; De la rosa Hernández, Genaro Manuel; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeaders play a fundamental role within an organization related to their success, productivity, and employee performance. The principal task of a leader is to build and maintain a high-performing team. It is the person who seeks ways to influence the actions of formal or informal group members in the process and achieve goals with a magnetic personality that attracts people with a purpose. In today's highly competitive environment, leadership skills are essential for personal and professional growth. In the educational field, leadership plays a crucial role as it encompasses the abilities to effectively instruct students in the classroom while inspiring and motivating colleagues in the school community. Teacher leaders possess various roles and responsibilities. Based on research, the predominant roles and responsibilities of exemplary teacher leaders involve having a vision, prioritizing student achievement by setting and attaining goals, offering support, and cultivating an environment conducive to learning.Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(2023-02-17) Pérez Ramos, Marisleysis; Díaz Rodriguez, Aslin Sofia; Pedro Pablo Aguas CastilloLeadership is fundamental in every field of study; it encourages people to make positive changes and help others collaborate to perform remarkable things. Different perspectives of leadership exist; when we are aware of the leadership that best suits our goals, we may successfully lead others, which improves everyone's performance and overall job accomplishment. Hence, this leadership statement will focus on teacher leadership; this perspective will help us contribute to education and achieve what we want to improve in educational settings as future teacher leaders, which is to increase teacher collaboration to enhance students’ learning process. As future teacher leaders, we prospectively plan to empower teachers by offering ongoing professional development and providing leadership opportunities; giving teachers the chance to lead professional development sessions, serve on committees, or take on other leadership roles, which can help them feel more invested in their work and provide a sense of ownership over their professional development.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership Statement(2022-03-18) Rhenals Simanca, Eloisa; Navarro Torres, Melissa; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloSince its arrival, Leadership is a tool that has given effectiveness and transformation to the vision of people, especially schools, and for the improvement of teaching methods. This personal statement is intended to determine future concepts, elementals and practices of empowered teachers and leaders of tomorrow. Consequently, in this document, we will clarify key concepts about leadership, our assumptions, our contributions to future schools and our conclusions based on our research. Thus, the plan is to guide teachers to cultivate and empower their skills as leaders who are still hidden in them. Finally, our vision is to inspire other teachers about the positive contributions of leadership skills.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-18) Ruíz Cuello, Julio César; Vengoechea Díaz, Valentina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloInstitutions are always in need of a leader. This happens because of the necessity of precise qualities that helps with the development of any process. In the educational field, schools need teacher leaders. Teachers who can promote teamwork, set goals, and help their students and college to achieve those goals. In this personal statement, we will determine our approach, qualities, and future practices as teacher leaders. Thus, in the paper, a reflection of our leadership understanding will be found which includes a variety of concepts around leadership, our assumptions about teacher leadership, empowerment, and how all of this can be used inside an educational environment. The plan is the identification of the different characteristics that are needed to become a good teacher leader. This statement sets a starting line in which our professional growth starts and goals to implement once we are inside the professional field.