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Publicación Acceso abierto Diagnóstico de los niveles de comprensión lectora de los estudiantes de grado undécimo de la Institución Educativa Santa María(2020-11-11) Mario Vega, Luis Eduardo; Montes Miranda, Mayco Estebi; Morales Guerrero, EnriqueThe present monograph defined as a general objective to diagnose the reading comprehension levels of the students under investigation, through the reading of memes. It was methodologically based on a type of qualitative research, with a descriptive method. Likewise, the interview, observation and the focal group were implemented as techniques of information collection. The sample was conformed by 44 students of the eleventh grade. As a result, it is highlighted that students from the eleventh grade of Santa María Educational Institution present difficulties in the different levels of textual comprehension, so teachers implement didactic strategies that are insufficient to strengthen the reading competences of those students. As for results, this monograph presented that, in the elements analyzed in the interviews to teachers and students, the low level of comprehension presented by the students is quite notorious. Also, a high interest is noted by the teaching staff in strengthening the level of textual comprehension of their students, although so far the model and the set of teaching strategies used by them have not been sufficient. And finally, the incidence of the meme as a strategy for strengthening the processes of textual understanding is quite efficient, because it increases and contributes to the formation of significant knowledge in students after making a certain textual understanding.