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Publicación Acceso abierto Actualización de procedimientos del área de consulta externa de Especialistas Asociados S.A, Clínica Traumas y Fracturas de la ciudad de Montería, 2022(2023-01-27) Villa Meza, Marcela; Espitia Cabralez, Enalbis EstherIntroduction: The Outpatient Consultation area is in charge of receiving users who require attention from the specialists of the Traumas and Fractures Clinic, its main objective is the identification of users, the entity responsible for payment for the services provided and user expenses, it has three procedures: Outpatient Surgery Scheduling, Appointment Assignment, and Medical Care. Objective: To update the Outpatient Surgery Scheduling procedure of the Outpatient Area of the Trauma and Fractures Clinic. Methodology: The methodology was carried out by phases of process management, with respect to the identification, survey of procedures and activities, description, documentation and continuous improvement. Results: Changes and updates were made to the Ambulatory Surgery Programming procedure, which contributes to the continuous improvement of the assigned area.