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Publicación Acceso abierto Aplicación para la deserción en la Universidad de Córdoba(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-08-12) López Montiel, Joyne; Morales Rivera, Mario Alfonso; Mario Alfonso Morales RiveraEl proyecto consiste en una aplicación diseñada para predecir estudiantes con alto riesgo de deserción en la Universidad de Córdoba, utilizando modelos de machine learning. La aplicación también incluye un módulo de estadísticas descriptivas y análisis de tasas de deserción, proporcionando una visión detallada del comportamiento de la población estudiantil. Esto permite a los administradores identificar patrones y tendencias, facilitando la toma de decisiones informadas para implementar estrategias efectivas de retención estudiantil. Además, la aplicación ofrece una interfaz interactiva para explorar datos y resultados de manera accesible y comprensible para los usuarios.Publicación Acceso abierto Internship at public university: university of Córdoba, accompaniment and academic mentoring(2023-02-23) Nisperuza Salgado, Isley Patricia; Nieto Caballero, Jaime ArturoUniversity of Córdoba and the accompaniment and academic tutoring in the internship modality has allowed the teachers in training to explore a real-life context working with students belonging to the first levels of the undergraduate degree, that is, in the space between the first and fifth semester. of the degree in English in Monteria -Córdoba, with the purpose of applying different strategies and practices that help these students not to abandon their studies and feel the academic and psychological support of the faculty and the university well-being. Despite the fact that this was an innovative project, there were not many references that showed the guidelines for developing it, so various details were omitted that consequently led to several errors in its execution. To give continuity to the project, it was established to work on the design of a plan that was directed by the selected coordinators and teachers in training. The objective of this pedagogical report was to describe my experience of the methodological process through activities and lesson plans, which I used to help some students in communication and grammar courses of the English major. As well as the description of the activities carried out throughout the internship process. The approach based on modeling and gamification was used so that the classes were much more didactic and that the students could see the utility for a better acquisition of the language and also as enrichment for the teacher in this field of university education.