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Publicación Acceso abierto COVID-19 y sus posibles efectos en los negocios internacionales(2020-07-15) Díaz Cordero, Irma Isabel; Uparela Vergara, Rosa AngélicaThis work is an analytical study regarding the current pandemic situation, which has directly affected human activities in most countries of the world. This implies commercial exchanges and the activities of transportation of goods and tourism. This is how in the present it is posed as a problem; What effects could the covid-19 have in the next five years on the economy of the countries of the world, that implies a search for recent information on the subject. Since the objective is to make an analysis of these effects. Thus, for the present study, an in-depth documentary review is required, and a purification of the investigated documentary material. It should be clarified that since it is a very recent topic (just a few months ago), the literature from reliable academic sources is few. So, most of the work is focused on secondary sources of information, current news from internationally recognized media, and analysis of world leaders. Thus, the aim is to conclude with the construction of a monograph type document that covers the problem presented and ends with the specific objectives set, using good sources.