Examinando por Materia "Tiempo familiar"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Relación entre las características específicas del acompañamiento familiar con el rendimiento académico, de niñas y niños del grado transición en el Centro Educativo Mata de Caña del municipio de Lorica, Córdoba(2023-02-15) Maussa Miranda, Alexandra Patricia; Monterrosa Morales, Angélica María; Pacheco Lora, Luis CarlosThis document is based on the analysis of the relationship between academic performance and the specific characteristics of the family accompaniment that children of the transition grade of the Mata de Caña Educational Center of the Municipality of Lorica, Córdoba, receive in their learning process; As it is well known, family accompaniment is fundamental in the formation of the student, it is a factor in which the greatest responsibility of education lies, these must work together in a transversal way, with the school and the parents. They contribute in the formative mission, given that both, family-school, have as an objective the development of the human being's abilities. In order to identify the way in which parents participate in the processes, interviews were conducted where each of these aspects were made known; as well as the factors associated with the academic performance of the students who have accompaniment; likewise, the relationship between academic performance and the specific procedures of family accompaniment is described. With all the above mentioned, we intend to centralize the family accompaniment and give it the importance it deserves as a basis for the integral development of the children, more specifically those of the Mata de Caña Educational Institution. In the same way, if no methods of family accompaniment are observed, some workshops, activities, parents' school or any activity that helps families to commit themselves to their children's education will be recommended. Not only because of the above mentioned, since it is important to mention the lack of interest on the part of parents or guardians, making all of these related to the performance of children in the classroom.