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Publicación Acceso abierto Nivel de cumplimiento de los estándares de gerencia del talento humano del manual de acreditación de las empresas sociales del estado de Cereté, 2022(Cindy Cogollo, 2023-01-19) Cogollo Castilla, Cindy Paola; Villalba Durango, Juan CamiloAccreditation is a system that leads to the continuous improvement of organizational processes, its very essence is to propel organizations not to be satisfied with having standardized processes that are repetitively carried out over time, trying with each of these repetitions to obtain the same result, being a unique process in time to demonstrate compliance with a series of quality standards and assumes a position of demonstrating from time to time the maintenance and improvement of the specific achievements achieved within the quality program. Through this study, the level of compliance with the human talent management standards of the ambulatory and hospital accreditation manual was determined in the social enterprises of the state of the municipality of Cereté, where a descriptive study was carried out with a quantitative approach and for this purpose, An Accreditation checklist was applied to the coordinator of human talent of the social enterprises of the state under study and the information was collected, which was recorded, processed and analyzed through the graphics of the Excel sheet. At the end of this study, it was possible to conclude that, from the results obtained from the checklist on the critical path of Accreditation with an emphasis on Human Talent Management, the E.S.E CAMU del Prado obtained a 22% compliance and the E.S.E Hospital Sandiego it reached 35% of compliance, being this at a general level 57% of total compliance with the checklist.