Examinando por Materia "Social innovation"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Proyecto de innovación social en educación básica secundaria en hombres y mujeres en edades entre los 28 hasta los 50 años en el barrio el Dorado de la ciudad de Montería (población extra edad) por medio de cooperación internacional.(2021-07-14) Morales Fernández, Evangelista José; Espinosa Martínez, Paola; Fuenmayor, RicardoThis international cooperation project is centered in the low academical Level presented in adult people between the ages of 28 and 50 years in El Dorado neighborhood in Monteria. And how through a social inclusion program in education it can be obtained better capabilities in order to achieve greater competition in laboral and personal field. The project seeks to be supported through International Cooperation through foundations and international NGOs in order to obtain the necessary technological and financial resources in the process by supporting viable ventures with strong social impact. Divided into three stages which are 1. Collection of information from the target population for which there is no concrete data. 2. Signing of agreements with the institutions that will provide their spaces for the development of activities and service providers for both Internet and telephony and as well as stationery. 3. Finally, a series of workshops and cultural meetings will be developed in order for students to acquire life skills and be competitive in the world of work.