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Publicación Acceso abierto "El Flecha II: el retorno" de David Sánchez Juliao: recursividad e identidad lingüística(2021-04-06) Arciria Burgos, Andrea Carolina; Espitia Moya, María José; Gómez Bruno, TatianaThis document gives an account of a lexical-semantic study of the novel "The Arrow II: the return" by the Cordovan author David Sánchez Juliao. Research that is approached from a qualitative approach with a descriptive-explanatory model. The lexical variables present within a fictitious reality are analyzed, taking into account the speech acts covered in the work, which in turn is reflecting the lexical environment of the Colombian Caribbean coast. The main objective of this study is to analyze the lexical variants at the lexical-semantic level found in the novel, in addition to identifying, organizing and interpreting the data obtained through reading, leading to evidence that the characters that are handled within the novel they use a wide range of lexical varieties. In addition, relate the lexical variants with the context and the needs of the speakers, thus allowing the analysis of the work to project the uses within the code and the variants that can be presented within it that reflect the linguistic identity of the subjects representing a sample in the speech of the Colombian Caribbean coast.