Examinando por Materia "Seguimiento Ambiental"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Práctica empresarial para el seguimiento a las licencias ambientales de sectores no mineros otorgadas en el periodo 2020-2022 en la jurisdicción de la CAR-CVS(2023-08-02) Humanez Humanez, Luis Ángel; Campo Daza, Gabriel AntonioEl presente informe, tiene como finalidad apoyar en el seguimiento de las medidas de manejo, control, mitigación, compensación y demás obligaciones establecidas dentro de las Licencias Ambientales para sectores no mineros otorgadas entre los años 2020 a 2022 por la Corporación Autónoma de los Valles del Sinú y del San Jorge, caracterizando la actual interacción con el medio y los impactos ambientales que estas generen, verificando el cumplimiento de las medidas de manejo establecidas en los Planes de Manejo Ambiental (PMA) y demás obligaciones generales, ayudando así, a prevenir y controlar posibles afectaciones a los recursos naturales y a la población, que se deriven de la actividad o proyecto licenciado, mejorando los procesos de seguimiento, control y vigilancia a los proyectos con Licencia Ambiental no minera otorgada por la CAR-CVS.Publicación Acceso abierto Seguimiento al estado actual de la distribución y disposición final de residuos sólidos en la subregión de la sabana en el departamento de Córdoba.(2019-11-11) Álvarez González, Sergio Andrés; Sandoval Gánem, Ana Emilia; Coneo Tapia, Manuel HoracioThe Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Valleys of Sinú and San Jorge-CVS- executes environmental monitoring, surveillance and control actions related to the integral management of solid waste in the department of Córdoba, focused mainly on the fulfillment of the proposed goals within the Municipal PGIRS, closure plans and restoration to former open-air dumps of municipal solid waste, as well as monitoring the formation of critical and clandestine points of inadequate disposal of solid waste, whose actions derive from the fulfillment of the functions granted as an authority environmental through the issuance of Law 99 of 1993. This report compiles the results obtained from the monitoring and control activities carried out by the CVS, included during the second half of 2018, of the municipalities that make up the Sabana Subregion in Córdoba (Sahagún, Chinú, Tuchín and San Andrés de Sotavento) in the area of municipal solid waste management, for which purpose it was possible to demonstrate through field observation, that the guidelines established by environmental regulations are not being fully complied with, in relation to the presentation and implementation of the Environmental Management Plans for the closure, restoration, compensation and abandonment of the old open-air dumps of these municipalities, as well as the environmental obligations established in the resolutions issued by the CVS, which gave approval to the respective management plans corresponding to the municipalities of Sahagún and San Andrés de Sotavento and n special what is required by Resolution 1390 of September 27, 2005 issued by the then Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development (MAVDT). Similarly, follow-up visits were made to the so-called critical points of inadequate waste disposal in these municipalities, evidencing the existence of different points in various sectors of these territorial entities, whose situation gives rise to environmental pollution problems and that to the At the same time it represents difficulties such as the lack of culture and education in the citizenry when dumping waste in inappropriate places. The follow-up of the distribution and current final disposal of solid waste, in the municipalities that make up the Sabana subregion, allowed us to determine that, at the end of 2018, around 23,510.38 Ton / year of municipal solid waste is being generated , which are being disposed in the department of Sucre, distributed in a proportion of 73% (17,089.58 15 tons) in the landfill “El Oasis” located in the city of Sincelejo and 27% (6,420 tons) the landfill “La candelaria” located in the municipality of Corozal.