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Publicación Acceso abierto Procedimiento de certificación de discapacidad de la Secretaría de Salud del Municipio de Cereté(2023-01-20) Cuadrado Núñez, Arlys Juliana; Villalba Durango, Juan CamiloPeople with disabilities experience significant health inequalities compared to people without disabilities. In this area of work, PAHO seeks to improve health equity and the inclusion of the health system for persons with disabilities in line with the main regional and global human rights frameworks. (Health, s.f.) The country's disabled population today can access a comprehensive medical assessment of their disabling condition. The multidisciplinary teams of health professionals from the Health Service Provider Institutions –IPS– authorized by the Departmental or District Health Secretariats are in charge of carrying out this function. (social, minsalud, s.f.) Given this, the health secretary of the municipality of Cereté has the disability certification process for all those people who have difficulties in their normal development, however, they do not have this process in a documented manner, therefore, Through review of bibliographies on the subject and support from officials in this area, the certification procedure was documented, to facilitate access to information on the step-by-step requirements to obtain the certificate. On the other hand, in the analysis of the disability certification process, the importance of the disability certificate was made known and what benefits or programs they can access, followed in the deployment of the disability certification procedure, it has a presentation, objective, scope and in detail of the step by step to obtain the certificate of disability and ends with the socialization of the documentation to the officials of the secretary of health of the mayor's office of the municipality of cereté.Publicación Acceso abierto Procedimientos del área de los Servicios de Atención a la Comunidad (SAC) de la Secretaría Municipal de Cereté(2023-01-19) Morales Meza, Genyer Jesús; Villalba Durango, Juan CamiloThe Community Attention System (SAC) is responsible for attending to the community that uses the health services provided in the Municipality of Cereté, and it is this unit that serves as an interlocution between the local health department and the actors of the Social Security System, aimed at the continuous improvement of the public health service, through personalized attention to the user, promoting participation and social control, and the management for the solution of complaints, petitions and claims in a timely and efficient manner. Given this, the Secretariat of Health of the municipal mayor's office of Cereté has a process of attention to the community SAC for all those people who need help to solve their complaints, petitions and claims, therefore the objective of this work consisted in documenting the procedures of the Community Attention Service area SAC for the creation of a manual of procedures directed to officials of the Municipal Secretariat of Health of Cereté. By means of a bibliographic review on the subject and with the support of the officials of this SAC area. Thus, it was possible to document the procedures of the SAC Community Care Service area and to design the procedures manual based on the experiences of the workers and the manuals established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, as well as those of other territorial entities in the country. Finally, the manual was socialized to the officials of the Cereté Municipal Health Secretariat.Publicación Acceso abierto Verificación del Pamec de los laboratorios clínicos del municipio de Cereté Córdoba, año 2022(2022-07-28) Flórez Caballero, María José; Villalba Durango, Juan CamiloLa calidad en el área de la salud como en cualquier otra área aporta un valor agregado en busca del mejoramiento continuo, entendiendo como calidad el grado predecible de uniformidad y fiabilidad a un bajo coste. Este grado debe ajustarse a las necesidades del mercado. La calidad no es otra cosa más que “una serie de cuestionamiento hacia una mejora continua” (Deming,1988). El programa de auditoria para el mejoramiento de la calidad (PAMEC) es un instrumento de evaluación y mejora de la calidad observada respecto a la calidad esperada, las Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de salud (IPS) están obligadas a implementar este programa en busca de mejorar sus procesos siguiendo la ruta crítica del mismo para brindar un servicio de calidad que logre la satisfacción del usuario. A través de este estudio se determinó el nivel de cumplimiento del ciclo PAMEC de tres laboratorios clínicos del municipio de Cereté - Córdoba, para lo cual se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, donde se aplicó una lista de chequeo al coordinador de calidad de los laboratorios objeto de estudio y se recolecto información, la cual se registró, proceso, y analizo a través de gráficas en la hoja de Excel.