Examinando por Materia "Secretaría de Salud"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Diseño del manual del procedimiento administrativo sancionatorio de la secretaría de salud municipal de Montería, Córdoba año 2023(2023-08-14) Martínez Almanza, Viviana Sofía; Montoya Vega, Martha ElenaIntroduction: In accordance with the provisions of Law 9 of 1979, the Departmental, District, and Sectional Health Secretariats were granted the competence to perform the functions of inspection, surveillance, and control of all establishments open to the public. This authority was explicitly added with respect to establishments open to the public dedicated to providing health services, through Law 10 of 1990. Therefore, the fulfillment of the functions of inspection, surveillance, and control, which lead the Health Secretariats to carry out administrative processes that may result in the imposition of sanctions, is of vital importance. These processes are subject to various regulations regarding applicable sanctions. Objective: To design the administrative sanctioning procedure of the municipal health secretariat of Montería, Córdoba; this instrument is presented as a tool for the application of the administrative sanctioning procedure and the imposition of sanctions based on the provisions established in the Political Constitution of Colombia, Law 9 of 1979, Law 1437 of 2011, Decree 3518 of 2006, and other regulations that replace, modify, or add to them. Methodology: It was carried out according to the established procedures for document updating, through the following phases: documentary review according to regulations with a SWOT analysis, information gathering using the MIPG format, verification, and finally, execution. Results: The need felt by the Health Secretariat for the design of the administrative sanctioning procedure was fulfilled. The responsible parties for applying these measures will be the environmental security area, the legal area, and the national police, working togetherPublicación Acceso abierto Manual de procedimientos de la Unidad de Servicios de Atención a la Comunidad – SAC, de la Secretaría de Salud de San Antero, Córdoba(2022-08-01) Campo Castro, Laura Vanessa; Janna Lavalle, Nadya MaríaThe importance of documenting the processes in a manual is that they help to be a guide aimed at achieving a result, manuals are vital to review, question and monitor the way work is done in an institution. The objective of this final report is to guide the new personnel in charge of the Community Services Unit - SAC, whether due to administrative changes or a change of official, obtain in their hands a step-by-step guide on how to carry out , each of the activities and functions of the unit is applied and managed, for which the review of bibliographies was used as a methodology, and the activities that contribute to the processes of community care and the reception of PQRS were observed in detail. It was possible to document the step-by-step description of the procedures such as; Mailbox opening, visits to health promoting companies - EPS, information, guidance and user service, and treatment of requests, complaints, claims and suggestions. In addition to that, the manual stipulates what the rights and duties of citizens are, what service channels are available, and the attributes of a good service.Publicación Acceso abierto Verificación del Pamec de los laboratorios clínicos del municipio de Cereté Córdoba, año 2022(2022-07-28) Flórez Caballero, María José; Villalba Durango, Juan CamiloLa calidad en el área de la salud como en cualquier otra área aporta un valor agregado en busca del mejoramiento continuo, entendiendo como calidad el grado predecible de uniformidad y fiabilidad a un bajo coste. Este grado debe ajustarse a las necesidades del mercado. La calidad no es otra cosa más que “una serie de cuestionamiento hacia una mejora continua” (Deming,1988). El programa de auditoria para el mejoramiento de la calidad (PAMEC) es un instrumento de evaluación y mejora de la calidad observada respecto a la calidad esperada, las Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de salud (IPS) están obligadas a implementar este programa en busca de mejorar sus procesos siguiendo la ruta crítica del mismo para brindar un servicio de calidad que logre la satisfacción del usuario. A través de este estudio se determinó el nivel de cumplimiento del ciclo PAMEC de tres laboratorios clínicos del municipio de Cereté - Córdoba, para lo cual se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, donde se aplicó una lista de chequeo al coordinador de calidad de los laboratorios objeto de estudio y se recolecto información, la cual se registró, proceso, y analizo a través de gráficas en la hoja de Excel.