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Publicación Acceso abierto Procesos metodológicos para el desarrollo de la investigación en el campo de la actividad física y la salud para la promoción y prevención de enfermedades no transmisibles en la Universidad de Antioquia(2020-06-16) Machado Morelo, Reinerio; Cortina Nuñez, ManuelResearch has become a fundamental factor in carrying out processes that allow people to improve their physical condition through physical activity. That is why it seeks to study research methods and apply them, where the levels of sedentary lifestyle, obesity, overweight, and all noncommunicable diseases that affect people's health are determined. One of the points that this research internship wants to achieve, through the report, is to demonstrate the importance of the Degree in Physical Education for society and motivate professionals to dare to carry out a change in society. where they are the main actors in the problem. In this way, a study is made on biostatistics, how does this serve to formulate and create projects that manage to respond to the unknowns that many poses? Thus, systematic reviews are then reached, which allow for a broader understanding of the studies that have been carried out previously, in order to avoid as much as possible error biases that affect the investigations. Finally, the knowledge acquired in the internship is applied to the population, where people are taken as an object of study and a plan of physical activity is developed that helps physical, mental, social and environmental well-being. This is accomplished by applying basic ISAK-1 anthropometric measurements, where height and weight are taken, managing to determine your body mass index and being able to carry out training plans.