Examinando por Materia "Ralstonia solanacearum"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Identificación del agente causal de la marchitez vascular del eucalipto, Eucalyptus urograndis en el departamento de Córdoba(2022-01-24) Martínez Estrada, Luisa Fernanda; Campo Arana, Rodrigo Orlando; Urango Esquivel, Naudith; Reforestadora del SinúLa marchitez bacteriana o vascular MV, del eucalipto, ocasionada por Ralstonia solanacearum, es una enfermedad que afecta la producción en las diferentes fases fenológicas de la planta, siendo reportada como una limitante en la producción de plántulas en vivero y también responsable de la muerte de los árboles en campo. El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar el agente causal de la marchitez vascular del eucalipto, Eucalyptus urograndis en el departamento de Córdoba. En la primera fase de este estudio se tomaron muestras de plantas infectadas en campo, las cuales se colocaron en cámaras húmedas durante 72 horas y el exudado que se presentó de las muestras se sembró en medios semi selectivo TZC y SMSA.Publicación Acceso abierto Supervisión del manejo integrado del moko (ralstonia solanacearum raza 2. smith) en la finca bananera “El Antojo”, Apartadó-Antioquía(Universidad de Córdoba, 2020-11-10) Arévalo Gómez, Juan Daniel; Trebilcok Perna, AníbalBanana crop (Musa AAA). For Colombian agriculture it is a very important, due to the great contribution it provides to the country's economy. Representing For the year 2011, this production system got sales of US $ 700 million per year, that is, 3% of total exports, equivalent at 7.67% of agricultural GDP and 0.4% general GDP.It is necessary to increase performance and implement efficient methodologies for control of certain pathogens such as Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet, Ralstonia solanacearum race 2. Smith, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (FOC race 1 and Recently FOC race 4 found in the banana production system. For this reason, monitoring was carried out in the execution of activities related to the integrated management of Moko (Ralstonia solanacearum Raza 2) in the company Pantaciones Churidó S.A.S in the farm “El Antojo”, located in Apartadó – Antioquia. they were implemented strategies such as daily tours were implemented to know the location with coordinates of plants identified with symptoms of the disease, making of that way restricted areas of passage to avoid the spread of the disease by workers, trainings for operators on the importance of preventing disease and the quantification of the damage-loss with the banana production units. In this activity, it was possible to acquire knowledge of the current state of the farm, and of that way could make comparisons and / or recommendations to improve to efficiency of the administration in agronomic management to control the disease.