Examinando por Materia "Purpose"
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Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(2023-07-14) Pérez de Moya, Yani Valentina; Begambre Pérez, Samy Andrea; Santos Vergara, Mauricio José; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis paper explores the concept of transformational leadership and its impact on employee motivation, satisfaction, and performance in organizational contexts. It highlights the importance of leaders instilling trust and confidence in followers and defines transformational leadership as a style that inspires exceptional results through purpose, vision, and personal growth. The study focuses on the assumptions and implications of transformational leadership in education, emphasizing the need for personalized support, student empowerment, and a shift toward student-centered approaches. The findings underscore the role of transformational leadership in shaping educational environments, fostering growth, and advocating for continuous professional development, collaborations, and innovative teaching methodologies for enhanced language learning experiences. Overall, the research contributes to understanding the effectiveness of transformational leadership and its implications for organizational success.Publicación Acceso abierto Propuesta de digitalización de datos de los clientes para la organización eficiente de los archivos del departamento de cartera en la empresa Ocp Y Compañía Ltda.(2022-08-09) Buelvas Chávez, José Alfredo; Gallego Silva, Jesús