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Publicación Acceso abierto Variación de la calidad seminal de bocachico Prochilodus magdalenae durante una temporada reproductiva en cautiverio(2021-01-27) Rivera Gamarra, Walter Antonio; Ramos González, Guillermo Aníbal; Espinosa Araujo, José AlonsoEvaluation of the semen quality of the Bocachico Prochilodus magdalenae under conditions of captivity during a reproductive season, was an analysis of the quality of each letterhead, a total of 94 specimens and 102 hours during the entire investigation of carp (EPC).The females were induced with 7 mg / kg of live weight in two applications and the males were given a single dose of 5.6 mg / kg of live weight at the same time of the second application of the females, for the collection of the products. Males were used sterile and dry Eppendorf with capacity of 1.5 ml, from each male was taken between 250-300 μL of semen and deposited in the digital pH chamber and taken the semen pH value for each male.Once this record has been taken, the sperm quality variables have been taken, with the help of the Sperm Class Analyzer (SCA) software, as well as the types of curvilinear speeds (VCL) and straight line (VSL), mobility total, Mobility types (fast, medium, slow and static), as well as the activation time.Fertility was measured at 5 hours post fertilization, and hatching was measured at 11 hours post fertilization, from three aliquots (n = 100 eggs). We adjusted a linear model without intercept for the square root-Y, where the statistical models were obtained; F = (0.77302 * semen pH) ^ 2, and E = (0.676531 * semen pH) ^ 2. The statistical models for total mobility; F = exp (0.0402281 * total mobility), the different types of mobility F = (0.130441 * fast sperm) ^ 2 and F = (0.255909 * average sperm) ^ 2; Like the types of speeds, F = (0.0646638 * VCL) ^ 2, and F = (0.119576 * VSL) ^ 2, showed a high correlation with the fertilizing capacity (R2 greater than 0.9) and subsequent hatching (R2 greater than 0.9). The highest semen performance can be evidenced at the beginning and middle season, while the lowest performance can be observed at the end and outside the season.