Examinando por Materia "Profesores lideres"
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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-02-25) Beltran Londoño, Yeliza Paola; Ricardo Jimenez, Anyi Paola; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloAlthough leadership has always been present in history, it seems to have become more relevant in recent years in various aspects of daily life. In education, the importance of teacher leadership is higher now than ever due to the globalization and unprecedented technological changes that educators are facing. This document seeks to reflect our previous knowledge on leadership, as well as deepening the research and definitions of authors on the subject. Likewise, this document includes our first insights about empowerment and the use we give to our assumptions to lead educational processes and how they lead us to leadership empowerment. This study is important because of the pressing need to improve teaching and learning processes, and, in turn, because of the fundamental role of teachers as agents of change in society.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2021-07-14) Peña Ceballos, Luz Amalia; Sánchez Maffioli, Sebastián; Valle Solano, Juliana; Aguas Castillo, PedroAs leaders, we see ourselves as capable and creative people who are always looking forward to inspiring and encouraging the people around us. We believe that this is the goal of leadership: to motivate and influence others to do their best. As a team, we are always working towards improving our skills and abilities, which has been possible because of the good relationship, communication and leadership spirit we have. Moreover, we have learned important values and lessons useful not only for professional growth but also as individuals in our daily life, and have gained knowledge from each other; but most importantly, we trust and respect one another as a group. All these important principles we have strengthened during the time we have worked together became the basis we need to be great leaders.