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Publicación Acceso abierto Conocimientos del profesional de enfermería y medicina relacionados con la atención prenatal a gestantes con sífilis en una institución de salud de primer nivel, Cereté, Córdoba, 2020(2021-01-20) Macea Beltrán, Eliécer David; Quiñónez Romero, Walter Enrique; Hanna Lavalle, MónicaIntroduction: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that directly affects the individual and sexual partners, the product of pregnancy can affect health due to vertical transmission. Therefore, the evaluation of the knowledge of the nursing and medicine professional in relation to the care provided to the pregnant woman is warranted. Objective. To assess the knowledge of the nursing and medical professional on prenatal care for pregnant women with syphilis in a first-level health institution in Cereté, 2020. Methodology. Descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, with a sample of 11 health professionals (doctors and nurses who provide care during the prenatal check-up, who underwent a knowledge test on care of the pregnant woman. Results. It was found that 36.4% are doctors and 63.6% are nurses, 36.4% of these have spent less than a year in prenatal care, 90.9% have received training on Maternal-perinatal Care Route and have the necessary resources for care. Likewise, in 4 questions about Resolution 3280, 50% of the professionals have knowledge and adherence to these guidelines, while 50% still have shortcomings in the knowledge of the standard and, on the other hand, regarding 5 questions about the Surveillance protocol 80% of the correct answers were answered by the nursing staff, which indicates that a small percentage does not have clarity of knowledge. Conclusion. Regarding the applicability of the syphilis protocol by health professionals, it was found that the majority answered correctly the questions related to Resolution 3280, however; periodic feedback should be made of it, involving care about the pathology.