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Publicación Acceso abierto Experiencias de afecto entre las relaciones de parejas de madres del programa madre canguro(2020-12-20) Herrera Asendras, Laura Gisela; Ramos Avilez, Yurany; Herrera Gutiérrez, ConcepciónIntroduction: Being a “Kangaroo Mother” requires more time and dedication to the care of the newborn, it is assumed that this situation could alter the couple's affective relationships, disturbing the emotional stability and the time that was previously dedicated to the relationship. As a result, this could lead to the loss of the emotional strength of the couple, separations or, on the contrary, the strengthening of the relationship. Objective: explore the experiences of affection between the relationships of the parents of the Mother Kangaroo program having as reference the Love triangular theory of Robert Sternberg which has 3 fundamental pillars for the existence of a good relationship of couples (intimacy, passion and commitment). Materials and methods: Descriptive exploratory study, with a qualitative approach. Research subjects: The participating mothers were nine (9) belonging to the Mother Kangaroo Program in a health institution in the city of Monteria, selected through an intentional sampling. A semi-structured interview and an observation guide were used for data collection until the information was saturated. Results: Three categories emerged from this research, affection without barriers, infinite trust, and a union for life, in which the first one references passion, the second one refers to intimacy and the third one to commitment. Conclusions: in spite of the difficulties of having a premature baby, it is possible to strengthen the bonds of the couple and the relationship between them, being a fundamental pillar the components that Sternberg establishes in his triangular love theory, each one taking a greater importance and intensity in the idyll, managing to get ahead in the different situations that arise and in spite of the time that is invested in the responsibilities of the care of the baby, they take a little bit of it to dedicate it to their love relationship