Examinando por Materia "Planning instruments"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Articulación del plan de manejo ambiental del DMI Bahía de Cispatá con los instrumentos de planificación territorial(2020-08-10) Cogollo Romero, Angie Paola; Ruiz Morales, Olga LucíaThe process of articulating territorial planning instruments is a technical exercise in environmental geography and planning, by incorporating an analysis of the measures contained in the planning instruments corresponding to environmental determinants such as management plans for Integrated Management Districts, Basin management plans (POMCA), medium and long term action plans of the CARS (PGAR), in the Municipal Development Plans and Territorial Management Plans, have the purpose of achieving the application of conservation, protection and sustainable use actions of natural and environmental resources in different strategic ecosystems of the Colombian territory. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to carry out an analysis applied to the Environmental Management Plan of Cispatá Bay (San Antero, Córdoba) through the articulation it has with the different existing territorial planning instruments. Therefore, the measures contained in the DMI Management Plan and their correspondence in the San Antero POT are reviewed during the course of the study. Likewise, the co-responsibility between the proposals for the DMI and the POMCA of the Sinú River is analyzed, as well as the regulatory context applied for planning in the DMI of Cispatá Bay and its importance for sustainability.