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Publicación Restringido Realización de autoevaluación para elaboración del Pamec en Uaes de la universidad de Córdoba según la resolución 1328 de 2021(2023-02-12) Sibaja Pacheco, Andrea Belen; Rojas González, Eduin EnriqueThe self-assessment for the Audit Program for the Improvement of the Quality of Health Care (PAMEC) was carried out in the Special Administrative Unit of Health (UAES), for the purpose of updating according to resolution 1328 of 2021, work carried out with the accompaniment of the quality committee, the foregoing with the aim of improving the organizational culture focused on user safety, minimizing the risks that may occur and affect the quality of health services provided and the quality of care. The methodology used to carry out this intervention was through meetings held with the quality committee; taking as a guide instructive documents such as resolution 1328 of 2021 and related documentation, which allows evaluating the standards indicated therein, verifying compliance with these in the last twelve months with the respective evaluation; The self-assessment was obtained as a result, which will be taken into consideration for the design of improvement plans that contributes to the processes that are developed with a view to the quality expected by the users that make up the UAES.