Examinando por Materia "Planeación estratégica"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Diagnóstico estratégico basado en la metodología de Balanced Score Card para las áreas de recursos humanos, financiera, planeación y sistemas integrados de la Clínica Materno Infantil Casa del Niño S.A.S., ubicada en la ciudad de Montería(2020-11-12) Ramos Ávila, Jeinns; Osorio Mass, RobertoThe purpose of this report on professional practices is to carry out an organizational diagnosis of the main areas of the Clínica Materno Infantil Casa del Niño S.A.S through a strategic management tool called Balanced Score Card (BSC). Which is conceived as a top-down process that consists of translating the institution's global mission and strategy into more concrete objectives and measures that can induce the execution of concrete actions for the correct decisionmaking. For its development, a diagnosis was made on the current state of the institution, in terms of its strategic planning and planning in the health sector, in the same way the problems that directly the performance of the four main areas (financial, resources human resources, planning and integrated systems) through research techniques such as surveys, in-depth interviews and direct manual observation, with the aim of establishing key points on which the institution's efforts should focus. Once the critical processes had been identified, strategic objectives were established aligned with the vision and mission of the institution, then we proceeded to define management indicators, which feed the level of fulfillment of the proposed objectives, assigning people responsible and goals that enable the monitoring of the same. Therefore, strategies corresponding to the results obtained were set, in order to intervene the critical processes identified, consequently, with the referred perspectives of the BSC and as a final action, improvement actions were recommended to senior managers with the intention of establishing a strategic plan, which allows meeting the organizational goals established in the institutional platform.Publicación Acceso abierto Diseño del plan estratégico empresarial para la mejora contínua de la calidad en salud del E.S.E. Camu Los Córdobas(2021-09-27) Correa Jiménez, Eymis Aslith; Alarcón Barrios, GaliaEl presente informe tiene como objetivo diseñar un plan estratégico mediante la identificación de factores de criticidad y falencias concurrentes con la aplicación de herramientas de gestión calidad tales como el endomarketing, el ciclo PDCA, y el modelo de Ishikawa, de modo que se promueva la mejora continua y la prestación de servicios con excelencia, eficacia, eficiencia, y calidad en el E.S.E. CAMU LOS CÓRDOBAS.Publicación Acceso abierto Modelo básico de plan estratégico, enfocado en mejorar la comunicación para colaboradores, pacientes y sus familiares en la E.S.E Camu de Momil en Córdoba 2022(2023-02-08) Viloria Oviedo, Salimeth Melith; Herazo Hoyos, CésarIntroduction: strategic planning helps to achieve greater development and higher quality in the performance of its professionals, which makes it important to implement strategic plans in Healthcare Provider Institutions (IPS) that allow continuous improvement of the quality of care, planning and organizing. through strategies aimed at reducing and, where possible, eliminating the presence of shortcomings in the different areas of an institution. Objective: The objective of this proposal is to design a strategic plan for the quality area focused on educational strategies for collaborators, patients and their families, which consists of planning and organizing educational talks on patient safety, where a list is stipulated with the names of the talks, dates and times in which the institution will carry out each of the planned talks, in order to improve the communication processes of the ESE CAMU of Momil in Córdoba. Methodology: this intervention proposal is carried out with the purpose of planning strategies that contribute to the improvement of communication processes between users, family members and collaborators of the E.S.E CAMU of Momil, having as a priority accessibility, opportunity, continuity, effectiveness and comprehensiveness of health services, likewise, it is pertinent to analyze the causes and consequences in which this problem has been generated, which must be addressed immediately to prevent complications that weaken communication processes and incidentally affect the well-being of users. The diagnosis was made through the checklist instrument (annex), which was applied in the quality area of the institution, allowing to identify and analyze the current situation of the institution with respect to the internal conditions that it has in terms of good communication practices from collaborators to users and vice versa. (Review what has to do with communication, strategic planning, user well-being) Results: Based on the review of the strategic planning and communication processes, after the diagnosis found, the shortcomings in the planning processes were identified. strategy and communication, thus managing to apply improvement strategies that guaranteed the satisfaction of the users and the staff that work in the institution, so that they are kept informed of where their consultation is, the time, who will attend them, where, the order of appointment and that they arrive at punctual hours. Then, with the collaboration of the assistance, administrative and user staff, it was possible to collect the necessary information for (planning and organization of communication strategies to improve the information processes for inside and outside) in the institution.Publicación Acceso abierto Rediseñar la plataforma estratégica (Valores y Principios) en la e.s.e Hospital San José de san Bernardo del Viento(2022-03-16) Almanza Raveles, Dina Luz; Herazo Hoyos, Cesar AugustoEl presente estudio de intervención empresarial se desarrolló en la Empresa Social del Estado Hospital San José de San Bernardo del Viento, en el departamento de Córdoba, enfocado en ajustar la imagen e identidad corporativa. La metodología implementada fue de tipo descriptivo, además de que se aplicó la técnica de encuesta para el diagnóstico situacional de la institución, dando como resultado la falta de visibilidad de los valores y principios de la entidad, por lo que se procedió con un plan de mejora bajo los lineamientos del área de planeación estratégica, al incorporar el ajuste de valores y principios organizacionales de la empresa de interés.