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Publicación Acceso abierto Internship at cdc el recuerdo, under the framework of cordoba transformada: mis primeros pasos -speakers(2020-06-09) Parra David, María CamilaThe purpose of this report is to put in evidence my experience, personal and professional growth gained, as well as negative implications and limitations presented when designing material as an intern at Cordoba Transformada, specifically in Cordoba: Mis Primeros Pasos - Speakers, an internship program held by The University of Cordoba, in Monteria, Colombia. The purpose of the internship was to teach English as a Foreign language to children from a Child Development Center named El Recuerdo, located in the southern part of the city. Nevertheless, COVID-19 emergency alert arose and the CDC closed its gates. Preceding its closure, this internship requirement changed, Speakers team was asked to design material implementing virtual educational tools to be developed when conditions permit. The aforementioned material resulted to be a project reflected in a macro unit whose main goal is to assure a meaningful english first encounter to early aged kids. My report is focused on an EFL association implementing methodologies such as Phonics in Early Childhood, Project-Based Learning (PBL), Total Physical Response (TPR), and English in Early Childhood supported by approaches and pedagogies explained in detail in the following chapters.