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Publicación Acceso abierto Diagnóstico de las condiciones de salud y perfil sociodemográfico de los trabajadores de planta de la E.S.E Hospital San Francisco(2022-02-21) Montes Bedoya, Gina Patricia; Oviedo Gómez, Mario AndrésIn the E.S.E. Hospital San Francisco de Ciénaga de Oro Cordoba, for the second half of the year 2019, the diagnosis of the health conditions and sociodemographic profile of the plant workers was carried out. The above with the purpose that this health institution has this very important instrument when executing occupational health activities. Identifying the sociodemographic profile and health conditions of workers in companies allows establishing strategies to maintain and improve their health, as this is an essential prerequisite for family income, productivity and economic development. Therefore, the restoration and maintenance of work capacity is an important function of health services and also the duty of organizations to have positive effects on the health of employees. Therefore, it is necessary in the E.S.E. San Francisco de Ciénaga de Oro Hospital, favoring self-care, stimulating the adoption of healthy habits and lifestyles and generating a change in the face of health care and maintenance; achieving great institutional and personal benefits, since people's behaviors and attitudes depend largely on their state of health, both physical and mental, hence the importance of identifying and analyzing the sociodemographic profile and health conditions of the plant workers of the ESE Hospital San Francisco de Ciénaga de Oro for the year 2019Publicación Acceso abierto Diseño del manual de funciones y competencias laborales de los empleados temporales de la Universidad de Córdoba.(2020-11-11) Oviedo Torrente, Patricia Margarita; Pérez Varilla, Iparco DaríoLa práctica empresarial como opción de grado para optar por el título de Ingeniera Industrial se realizó en la División de Talento Humano de la Universidad de Córdoba, división encargada de gestionar el ingreso, permanencia y retiro del talento humano en la institución. En este informe se detallan las actividades realizadas para la recolección y posterior análisis de la información necesaria para cumplir con el objetivo de diseñar el Manual de Funciones y Competencias Laborales de los empleados temporales de la Universidad de Córdoba.