Examinando por Materia "Pedagogía social"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Los títeres en la escuela: pedagogía social con los estudiantes de grado transición de la Institución Educativa "El Sabanal" zona rural de Montería(2022-03-23) Corrales González, Juan David; Zumaqué Gómez, Nunila SobeidaThis proposal is focused on the implementation of puppets at school as a form of social pedagogy, promoting prevention in situations that occur in the school environment, such as bullying, among others, the research focuses on early education children, who in their ease of learning and ingenuity, are easy to lead towards the good or the bad, therefore they are that diamond in the rough waiting to be molded towards a society that awaits them. In order to achieve these objectives, a series of playful pedagogical activities focused on prevention have been proposed, for this la Institucion Educativa El Sabanal located in the rural area of Montería served to apply these pedagogical proposals, facilitating the obtaining of important results to assist the current problems in schools nowadays. This research is a qualitative research, based on the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method and focuses its theoretical bases on conceptual approaches of social learning carried out by Vygotsky, who standsthat the child learns to regulate his cognitive process from social interaction with adults and other people, its essence is that man repeats norms and behaviors already formed and previously created. The contributions of Bandura are taken up again, in his work it is highlighted that the human being learns through the observation and imitation of the most outstanding behaviors. While for Jerome Bruner, the concept of scaffolding is accepted, based on the fact that the support of partners of the same age, adults, instruments, tools and technological tools are essential for the teaching process. Moreover, Paulo Freire and the social education are included, whose legacy serves as a tool for social educators, who can make a critical reading of reality, which allows them to focus on reality, and inequality experienced by students.