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Publicación Acceso abierto La competencia indagación en el aprendizaje del entorno físico en ambientes E-Learning en estudiantes de 5° en la Institución Educativa Mercedes Abrego de la ciudad de Montería – Córdoba(2021-12-07) Caldera Salcedo, Diana Patricia; Flórez Nisperuza, Elvira PatriciaThe main objective of this research was to characterize the inquiry competence in learning the physical environment in e-Learning environments from the design of a didactic unit in physics in 5th-grade students. Executed in three phases and for which the levels of skills related to the competence of inquiry were identified in the students, the appreciations that teachers have regarding the competence of inquiry were described and a didactic unit based on the methodology inquiry and mediated by e-Learning environments, to include within the classroom processes activities that promote the appropriation of this competence and the formation of critical thinking. The methodology that applied was qualitative, descriptive, with a descriptive case study approach, applied to elementary school students, using instruments such as the IEPP evaluation rubric, teacher interviews, and bibliographic records. Likewise, content analysis, triangulation, and documentary review were used as data analysis techniques. The results allowed identifying that 45% of the students are located in the lower level of the inquiry competence, which implies the need to promote learning spaces focused on the strengthening of this competence from a learning based on the inquiry methodology, considering pertinent the design of a didactic unit that causes the increase of specific skills focused on the development of this competence, taking into account that from the teachers' perceptions, mediation and the integration of e-Learning environments play a decisive role to improve teaching-learning processes, specifying contextual relationships where the student can be a participant in their own learning