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Publicación Acceso abierto Percepciones sobre la discapacidad física en las clases de Educación Física en una institución educativa oficial de Montería(2021-10-12) Díaz Better, Heider Ramiro; Eusse López, CleiberThe physical education class enables the development of different motor skills and generates spaces for social interaction among students, especially if it is accessed from an early age. In addition to contributing to creating life experiences, it makes contributions to the coexistence of students (with or without physical disabilities), since this discipline involves components of human nature and has a formative and pedagogical nature. Taking these qualities into account, physical education classes are conducive scenarios to inquire about the view that the different actors that are part of the educational community have of the activities, relationships or dynamics that are generated in them. This report gives an account of a field investigation that aimed to know the perceptions of some actors (students, teacher, teacher director and mother) of an official Educational Institution in the city of Montería, on pedagogical practices related to the inclusion of students with physical disabilities that are developed in physical education classes. Framed in a qualitative approach and with a narrative design, a sample of two students with physical disabilities (agenesis and juvenile dermatomyositis) between the ages of 15 and 17, a mother, a physical education teacher and a coordinator were approached from an Institution of official character. According to the research interests, the work was approached from two categories: Perceptions of Physical Disability and Classroom Practices, both treated in such a way that they promoted the need to know the realities of physical education classes from the subject of inclusion, using interviews and documentary review as information gathering techniques; and resorting to triangulation to give it greater reliability. 9 Among the findings, it was found the potential of the physical education class as a propitious space for the promotion of inclusive classes in an official educational institution of Montería, highlighting the strategies used in their classes by the teacher of this area of knowledge, which they make possible the generation of attractive work environments for students with physical disabilities that positively help their participation in their classes, and that are well seen by other members of the educational community; In addition, a partial knowledge about the legislation of inclusive education in Colombia with regard to the organization of the Physical Education curriculum and the Institutional Educational Project (IEP), in addition, it is highlighted that the physical education class not only brings with itself a physical benefit, it is considered a space for student interaction, it is a class created for the acceptance of the other regardless of their disabilities, it is an area of reflection to have a clear purpose, of union, of coexistence, of fraternity without that there are external reasons that may alter the aforementioned