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Publicación Acceso abierto Patrones de giro de velas japonesas como eje para la toma de decisiones de inversión del activo ecopetrol s.a (2008-2018)(2019-08-14) Ochoa Avila, Yuri Marcela; Cavadia Hoyos, leonardo JoseIn this monographic investigation, it contains information about Japanese Candles, when they have trends or to say the least to know if the section has been bullish or bearish, the maximum of the session and the minimum session of each candle. This is because a Candle is formed by a body, which makes up the opening and closing price, it also has shadows that are the ones that mark the maximum and the minimum. If the candle is bullish it is green and if it is bearish it's red. With Japanese Candles you can also see if the market is having volatility or not, because if you observe Candles with large bodies and shadows it will be because the market is having big movements, while if these are small it will be because the market has little activity. In the form of a conclusion on the topic that will be developed and the information that is collected and that in turn the Japanese Candles provide, it is taken into account that these can make future decisions with their indicative movements or repetitive movements that provide information about transactions that are being made in real time. The information obtained from this research helped to further enrich the knowledge, so this in turn provides a greater understanding of the movements that these Japanese Candles usually have at certain times, in which they tend to have trends that favor the market, to make investments that maximize their profits.