Examinando por Materia "Mercado de capitales"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Análisis del comportamiento de los contratos forward en Colombia durante el Periodo 2018 - 2019(2021-09-14) Contreras, Yudis Vanesa; Berrocal Espitia, José; Doria Sierra, CarlosThe Colombian capital market has become an increasingly deep, dynamic, diversified and inclusive scenario, whose importance for economic development is increasingly notable; Currently, there are a considerable number of securities and financial instruments in Colombia that seek to satisfy the needs of investors and offer companies efficient and innovative alternatives for obtaining capital. One of these instruments are the Forwards contracts that arise in response to the needs to cover the risks associated with the volatility of the exchange rate and reduce vulnerability when facing the international market; And taking into account that society attends a market that is in constant dynamism and interdependence, an increasing number of companies operate in the international arena, which is why this type of operation has become one of the most desired mechanisms. by economic agents in Colombia and have shown enormous evolution in recent years. Taking these considerations into account, this monographic work analyzes the behavior of the Forward contract market in Colombia during the period 2018 - 2019 based on the purchases and sales made, in order to identify trends, behaviors, weaknesses, strengths, as well as your growth opportunities. To comply with the proposal, three chapters were developed, the first of them describes the theoretical and conceptual characteristics of the Forward contracts, typology, participants and their origin in the Colombian market; The second chapter shows the behavior of said contracts during the periods indicated, highlighting the volumes traded, the sectors with the highest participation, the periods of greatest adoption and the number of operations; Finally, a comparative analysis of the evolution of the market is carried out during the period between 2018 and 2019.Publicación Acceso abierto Comportamiento del mercado de bonos en Colombia durante los años 2018-2019(2021-10-02) García Argumedo, Camilo José; González Madrid, María José; Doria Sierra, CarlosThe Colombian capital market is facing increasingly global and dynamic economies, which has promoted enormous development in recent years, there are currently a considerable number of innovative, solvent and diversified capital raising instruments, one of them are bonds, fixed-income instruments that have become one of the main financing mechanisms for public and private entities in the country, as they are a highly recognized and diversified security, through which a large part of the Direct Foreign Investment of the country. Considering the above, this monographic work aims to analyze the behavior of the Colombian bond market during the years 2018 and 2019; To achieve this, the conceptual elements of the bond market, its advantages, limitations and importance as a source of financing are detailed, then the recent evolution of this security is exposed, detailing the amounts, participants and the number of operations that occurred during the years 2018 and 2019, and finally a comparison is made between the public and private debt market, to recognize the development and importance of both sectors in the Colombian fixed income market. The current monographic work was oriented in a bibliographic review study, in which the researchers collected, analyzed and interpreted information related to the Colombian bond market and to which they came as a reference to validate the information presented throughout the investigation, to finally deliver a basic knowledge tool on which to approach and learn about the behavior of some capital market securities, based on the importance it has for the economy, and condense information that can be used by investors, traders, consumers , students, academic community and other interested in the economic field of the country.Publicación Acceso abierto Elaboración de un portafolio de inversión de empresas del sector de hidrocarburos a través del análisis técnico y la teoría de portafolio de markowitz(Universidad de Córdoba, 2019-12-19) Bedoya Serpa Rosa Angelíca; Gómez Ramírez, Jackeline Stefania; López Cordero, José David; Marrugo González, Ramiro AntonioEl presente trabajo monográfico tiene como finalidad la construcción de un portafolio de inversión basados en empresas del sector de hidrocarburos y que cotizan actualmente en la bolsa de valores de Colombia, dichas empresas fueron seleccionadas después de realizar un análisis sobre el sector de hidrocarburos lo que permitió establecer las tendencias de dicho sector y detectar las oportunidades del mismo. Luego de esto se procedió a la implementación del análisis técnico y fundamental a las empresas seleccionadas las cuales fueron Ecopetrol y Terpel, es así entonces que para el análisis técnico se utilizaron las herramientas del mismo como los gráficos de velas japonesas para determinar la tendencia y el comportamiento de la acción durante el periodo estudiado, así mimos los osciladores RSI y MACD que aportaron una percepción sobre los niveles de sobrecompra o sobreventa de los títulos valores esto combinado con las bandas de bollinger dan una percepción mucho más clara sobre la situación de las acciones. Después de esto indicadores se procedió con el análisis fundamental donde en primera medida se miró los resultados financieros para los diferentes trimestres del año 2019 de las empresas en relación con sus ingresos, utilidades y márgenes obtenidos así como el crecimiento de los mismos periodo tras periodo y un comparativo con su trimestre homogéneo del año anterior así como datos relevantes de las compañías en cuanto a su posicionamiento en el mercado, segmentos de negocios más importantes entre otros datos que son claves en la determinación de las oportunidades y amenazas que ofrece la empresa.Publicación Acceso abierto Los títulos de deuda pública en el mercado de capitales colombiano en el período de 2015 a 2017(2020-10-19) Gómez Gómez, Ronald David; Montes Hoyos, María Alejandra; Marrugo González, RamiroThe TES are public debt securities issued by the national government and administered by the Banco de la República. The objective of the TES issue is to obtain financing for its activities. These are issues defined as fixed income and it is the Nation that will be responsible for paying the interest; taking into account the above, the main objective of this research is to analyze the behavior of TES in the Colombian capital market in the period from 2015 to 2017. Regarding the methodology, the type of research that was used to develop this project it is descriptive. For the effect of the analysis, qualitative techniques were used, establishing the data grouped in tables and proportional expressions called thanks, along with all this, the qualitative analysis of these tables is carried out, describing the results, which will serve as support in the analysis and conclusion of the investigation. Among the results, it was established throughout the three years studied, that there are multiple uncontrollable variables in the stock market, especially for issuers who are the ones who make their securities available to said market, which in some cases could generate a nominal value on the downside, on the upside and highly fluctuating depending on the financial operations of this market in order to offer positive and certain scenarios for such TES, since a good issuance of TES combined with a good policy of expansion of financial instruments will give An important management of the public debt in the country which will improve its rating and should give priority to its payment.