Examinando por Materia "Management strategies"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Diagnóstico socio-ambiental de la explotación de material de arrastre en el municipio de san carlos-córdoba, colombia.(2020-03-09) Jimenez Arrieta, Jesús AlbertoIn some localities of the municipality of San Carlos, Department of Córdoba, is being carried out legally and in some cases is illegally developed the extraction of trawl material, by means of the open-pit exploitation system manually and without any type of environmental mining contemplation generating socio-environmental impacts. The present study has been carried out through the bibliographic review, the application of interviews and the observation of the zones, the amount of extraction points of the trawl material was determined, as well as the situation of the populations surrounding the generation zones and the Effects of environmental environments, finally, management strategies were proposed to optimize the explotation system. Among the results are: 1) The people dedicated to mining are in total 50; 2) The quality of life is very low, the populations don`t have potable water and sewerage service and the daily earnings are on average $ 20,000 pesos per person expressing disagreement because it does not meet their daily needs; 3) The environmental impacts that most manifest in the extraction areas are the processes of erosion and loss of plant cover and wildlife.Publicación Acceso abierto Estrategias gerenciales de promoción del clima laboral en una dirección departamental de salud en Colombia durante pandemia por COVID-19, 2021(2022-07-26) Argel Torres, María Alejandra; Correa de Hoyos, Pamela; Santamaría Berrio, Javier Enrique; Espitia Cabralez, Enalbis EstherDepartmental health Organization (DDS by its acronym in Spanish) are facing a changing and competitive environment accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Human resources and the organizational climate are essential for planning management strategies to achieve institutional objectives. Objective. Design management strategies that promote a good working climate in a DDS during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia in 2021. Materials and Methods. Crosssectional descriptive study with quantitative approach. Sample made up of 21 workers of the DDS of the Department of Córdoba to whom a survey was applied to measure the working climate and the influence of COVID-19. Results. Workers comply with health protocols for the management of the pandemic by covid-19, 95% know the mission, vision and objectives of the DDS, 23% do not have the necessary resources for their work, 47% do not feel encouraged to achieve their objectives, while more than half of the staff believe that the pandemic affected the workload and communication; For this reason, management strategies were proposed to strengthen the labor climate, such as reviewing work tools and better implementation of training, recognition, leisure and communication activities. Conclusions. Respondents have a good organizational orientation and are trained to do their job, offering their skills to cope the COVID-19 that has affected the mental health of staff due to insufficient work well-being activities and deficiencies in the institutional physical environment.