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Publicación Acceso abierto Estandarización del procedimiento de transcripción de imágenes diagnósticas en el área de imagenología, en una institución de salud de la ciudad de Montería 2022(Cristian Alberto López Bernal, 2023-02-08) López Salgado, Luis Francisco; López Bernal, Cristian AlbertoImaging is a fundamental basis for the strengthening and development of health in the process of user care. In Colombia, diagnostic images become one of the most important and useful services for the provision of medical services, these diagnostic centers are in hospitals or clinics. The purpose of this practice report is to improve the process of transcription of diagnostic images in the imaging area at the Zayma Monteria Clinic, 2022. For this, a methodology consisting of 3 stages is implemented, the first stage is It gives in making a diagnosis of the process of diagnostic images by means of a problem tree, the second stage consists of identifying the stages of the process of transcription of diagnostic images and in the third stage the socialization of the flowchart with the staff is evidenced.