Examinando por Materia "Leche contaminada"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Peligros de contaminación de la leche por agroquímicos y fármacos veterinarios en el eslabón primario de la cadena productiva(2021-03-27) García Sánchez, Andrew; Álvarez Badel, Beatriz; Simanca Sotelo, MónicaApproximately 150 million households worldwide are engaged in milk production; In Colombia, this activity is directly linked to the behavior of the climate that occurs in various areas. The milk obtained at milking is considered sterile; however, due to the widespread use of veterinary drugs and pesticides in dairy production and agricultural practices, milk is often contaminated with their residues. The chemical wastes with the highest bioavailability are organophosphate compounds, herbicides, fungicides, anthelmintics, antibiotics, detergents and disinfectants, nitrites, polychlorides, brominated polybiphenyls, dioxins, mycotoxins, heavy metals and somatotropin hormone, their consequences on health range from systemic cardiovascular effects respiratory, genotoxicity, birth defects, neurological, behavioral, reproductive and cancer. On the other hand, there are factors such as diet, anthropogenic and environmental activities, and productive and sanitary management, which represent potential risks for consumers.