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Publicación Acceso abierto Unidad didáctica mediada por paisajes de aprendizaje para el fortalecimiento de competencias ambientales desde las Ciencias Naturales en la escuela rural(2021-12-06) García Prasca, Jorge Mario; Hoyos Begambre, Alejandro René; Salgado Vargas, José AlbertoThe environmental problem is an issue of concern worldwide and although various strategies have been implemented to counteract, it has not been possible to stop this situation. Environmental education immersed in the curriculum of natural sciences, becomes an integrating field of knowledge, habits, skills, attitudes and values, so that it reflects that the content addressed, contribute significantly to the teaching-learning process, linking the human being with the environment and the context in which he is, allowing an integral formation of the students, which is expressed in their action towards the environment, respect for their environment and an adequate intervention of the present environmental problems. In this sense, the need arises to propose a study that allows designing a didactic unit mediated by learning landscapes to strengthen environmental competencies in seventh grade students in a rural context, promoted from the learning of natural sciences. The methodology was based on an interpretive paradigm, qualitative research, with a phenomenological approach, the participants were twelve (12) students. As results we have, in the diagnosis it is evident that the students moderately manage the competences of recognition of the environmental problem, (knowing how to know), acceptance of responsibility (knowing how to be) and responsible and informed action (knowing how to do), they manifest certain varied knowledge about the environment, but they lack to be more active and persistent when giving solutions to environmental problems. Subsequently designed the didactic unit, taking into account what was found in the diagnosis made and the documentary analysis carried out, with this it was possible to propose a structure for the didactic strategy, propose contents and activities to strengthen environmental competences, resulting in a significant process in which students have the possibility to contribute, learn, understand, strengthen and transform skills and learning habits. Likewise, the validation of the didactic unit mediated by learning landscapes is achieved, through experts in environmental issues, who presented their assessments after applying interview and focus group, evidencing that the planning and structuring of the unit is focused on strengthening the competencies in the students.