Examinando por Materia "Internship experience"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Fostering Students' Success in their Academic Performance through the use of T-Grow Model in the TBL in The Accompaniment and The Mentoring Internship(Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-07) Gomez Mejia Hernando; Vega Calao, Yina Margarita; Racero Diz, Jose MariaThe following paper reports the process of the “The Academic Accompaniment and Mentoring Internship,” at the Universidad de Córdoba, Monteria (Colombia), from the bachelor’s degree in foreign Languages with an Emphasis in English. This process was conducted with 12 students from the third, fourth to fifth semester of Communication and Grammar courses to provide students with strategies that help them improve their English skills and get better performance in specific subjects, allowing them not to be retention targets or possible cases of dropouts in the future. In this internship, many professionals provide mentors with essential guidance and training throughout the internship, ensuring they are well-prepared to serve as impactful role models and offer a rewarding experience for their mentees. This approach focuses on students as the central element of the internship, with all other participants adjusting to their needs. The Pedagogical Strategies, Methodologies, Gains and Results of this internship are presented in this report along with the conclusions, reflections observed in the mentoring, its limitations and some recommendations for the program and future interns.Publicación Acceso abierto Internship at “El Recuerdo” child care center under the Program My First Steps from Unicordoba(2020-06-09) Vergara Álvarez, Luisa Fernanda; Valle Zapata, LilianaThe University of Córdoba offers the internship program as a selectable choice for students to attain a professional degree. Córdoba Transformada is a macro project elaborated by the university to create a positive impact in the Department of Córdoba. There are micro projects such as “Mis primeros pasos” and “Speakers” that are a part of the macro project. The latter project was the context in which the internship process was going to take place. However, the global pandemic prevented a traditional internship to be carried out, which limited interns to lesson planning.