Examinando por Materia "Interacción auténtica"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Exploring how a pre-service teacher builds a classroom discourse community(2023-07-06) Sánchez López, Camilo Andrés; García Montes, Paula AndreaThis study explored how an eighth-grade pre-service teacher in a public school in Monteria, Cordoba, built a classroom discourse community to promote student interaction and analyzed its implications on 8th graders' oral participation development. This study used an action research model by collecting data from ten observations before and during the implementation of the project. The findings of this study showed students ability to engage in more authentic interactions by being taught with the strategies proposed in the core practice called building a classroom discourse community. The study showed how the pre-service teacher engaged in this core practice provoking opportunities for students to interact among them and with the teacher using topics such as obesity. This research contributed to the literature on high-leverage teaching practices and their implementation in non-English speaking contexts, providing valuable insights for pre-service and experienced teachers, teacher educators, and students. The study underscored the importance of promoting oral participation in EFL classrooms and offers recommendations for incorporating high-leverage teaching strategies such as building a classroom discourse community to enhance students’ English language proficiency. The study also highlighted the possible benefits of the action research model, allowing pre-service teachers to reflect on their practice and transform their teaching realities.