Examinando por Materia "Integrative review"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Cuidado de enfermería en niños y adolescentes con cáncer revisión integradora(2022-03-02) Avendaño Gutiérrez, Valentina; Lobo Lara, Laura Vanessa; Ortega Tarazona, Nataly; Polo Cuavas, Luz Amparo; Ferrer Ferrer, Giselle HelenaThe current integrating revision includes articles published about nursing care of children and adolescents with cancer, from the year 2016 to 2020. Objectives:To describe the published scientific evidence on nursing care in children and adolescents with cancer, within the past five years. Methodology: An integrating revision of literature of published articles, in english, spanish and portuguese. A research on the following databases: Lilacs, ProQuest, PubMed and ScienceDirect, selecting 16 articles that followed the inclusion criteria. Results: In those investigations the qualitative investigation prevailed, and most of them were run in Brazil. The subjects that came up from the analysis were put together in four categories: educational care, emotional support, assistential care, and care administration, being the latter two the most researched. The educative interventions reflect the importance of offering knowledge for self care of children and adolescents with cancer; the assistential activities are aimed to the control of secondary symptoms of the disease and the oncological treatments; the strategies for the emotional support are applied to patients and their families, including active listening, therapeutic touch, recreation and motivation to generate optimism and hope. The deficit on material and human resources, as the lack of communication and teamwork, are presented as challenges on nursing care administration, in institutions serving children and adolescents with cancer. Conclusions: The study on nursing care of children and adolescents with cancer, has been approached from diverse perspectives, focusing on comprehensive care of the patient as someone with physical, emotional, familiar and social needs, on a permanent search of wellbeing as a final aim of care.Publicación Acceso abierto Tendencias de investigación del cuidado paliativo en enfermería-revisión integradora(2021-01-20) Ruiz Narvaez, Melissa Gisella; Ibañez Durango, Emma Lucia; Ferrer Ferrer, Giselle HelenaThis integrative review addresses the articles published on palliative care in nursing. Objectives: To characterize the publications and describe the topics studied regarding palliative care in the nursing area, in the last five years. Methodology: Integrative review of the literature of articles published in Portuguese and Spanish languages. The Lilacs, Scielo, ProQuest, MetaRevistas and ScienceDirect databases were searched, selecting 23 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Results: In the investigations, the qualitative methodology prevailed and the majority were carried out in Brazil. The themes emerged from the analysis were organized in seven categories: experiences, attitudes and feelings; nursing knowledge about palliative care; perception of palliative care from the perspective of the nursing professional; perception of palliative care from the perspective of the family member; spirituality; academic training on palliative care, and quality of life. Conclusions: The thematic trend of the reviewed publications shows a variety of issues studied, with a predominance of issues inherent to the work of nursing professionals such as experiences, feelings, attitudes and their perception of the care provided to terminally ill patients. The perspective of the patient and her relatives has been less studied, considering the possibility of developing research in this area.