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Publicación Acceso abierto Creación de una IPS con los servicios de consulta de medicina interna especializada en el municipio de Ciénaga de Oro, Córdoba(2021-01-20) Díaz Díaz, Delio; Torreglosa Urango, Leo; Causil Polo, NerysThenextprojectconsists of thecreation of an IPS withspecializedinternal medicine consultationservices in themunicipality of Ciénaga de Oro, Department of Córdoba. Thisprojectwillprovidebothhealthcareproducts and services to meettheneeds of the Orense population in terms of health and well-being, offeringqualitycare and a source of employment to thecommunity. In addition to entrepreneurship and innovationwithinthemunicipality of Ciénaga de Oro, itcontributes to its social and businessdevelopment, thisprojectbeingtheanswer to theproblemthatthepopulation has expresseddue to theneedforitsown municipal IPS, to avoidexcessiveeconomicspending to which has the local populationmoving to anothermunicipalitylookingforquality medical care. 15 Themainclients of thisbusinessprojectwill be thepopulation of themunicipality of Ciénaga de Oro aged 14 and over. Thehealthcompanywill be located in theurbanareawithinthemunicipality. The total investmentvalue of theproject capital is $ 97,450,337, wheretheexpectedprofitsorprofits are 144.78%, being a goodfinancialviabilitywidelyexceedingtheminimumrate of returnby 18%, hoping to recoverall capital invested in a period of lessthantwoyears. Theentrepreneurs of thisproject are DelioDíazDíaz, and Leo Torreglosa Durango, students of theUniversity of Córdoba, HealthAdministrationprogram, Faculty of HealthSciences. Thecompanywill be calledtheHealthProviderInstitution "Unitedforyourhealth" IPS whosemissionis to be aninstitutionaimed at contributing to theimprovementofthequality of life of ourusers in themunicipality of Ciénaga de Oro and theCaribbeanregion, withprofessionalssuitable and committedwhoworkcontinuouslywithefficiency, responsibility and human warmth; In addition to itsvision in 2030, to be and remaintheleading IPS in theprovision of healthservicesfocusedonspecializedinternal medicine and to be recognizedforitshighqualitystandards and greatprofessionalscommitted to servingitsusers.