Examinando por Materia "High-risk pregnancy"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Incertidumbre en gestantes de alto riesgo. Revisión narrativa(2021-07-05) Arosemena Vergara, Alejandra; Ramírez Causil, Johan Raúl; Sánchez Caraballo, Álvaro Antonio; Guzmán Arteaga, María Del PilarThe objective of this study is to analyze the existing theoretical and empirical evidence on uncertainty in pregnant women at high-risk pregnancy, within the framework of the theory of uncertainty in the face of illness. For this purpose, a narrative review of the literature was carried out. The databases ScienceDirect, Scopus, Pubmed, Embase, Proquest and BVS were used, in addition, publications that were found as bibliographic support for the articles selected for the study, that met the inclusion criteria, and were in English and Spanish were included. Seventeen studies were identified, of which eight had a qualitative approach, five were literature reviews, one study with a descriptive correctional approach, one case study, one theorization and one scientific article. Three thematic axes related to the elements of Merle Mishel's theory were categorized: the stimuli framework, the structure providers, and the assessment of uncertainty. It was identified that the main stimuli for the occurrence of uncertainty were lack of information regarding the disease, unfamiliarity with the event and ambiguity of information. Nursing interventions should focus on social and nursing support, structure providers and education to reduce stress, anxiety, and uncertainty in high-risk pregnant women. The role of the nursing professional should be directed to take up the Nursing Theories and adapt them to the current context.