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Publicación Acceso abierto Evaluación de la implementación de las rutas de atención en salud en los ciclos primera infancia, infancia y adolescencia en la E.S.E Camu Santa Teresita, durante el año 2023(2023-07-17) Hernández Barrera, Paula Andrea; Nieves Julio, Yesenia PatriciaResolution 3280 (2018), by which the technical and operational guidelines of the care that is provided today through the comprehensive routes of health care are adopted, where the promotion and maintenance of health for the maternal population is protocolized perinatal and the other specific ones established in the current regulations. Comprehensive health care routes define the necessary conditions to ensure comprehensiveness and guarantee the right to health of the entire population. It is understood as the set of coordinated, complementary and effective actions to guarantee the right to health, expressed in policies, plans, programs, projects, strategies and services, which are materialized in attention directed to individuals, families and communities for the promotion health, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care (ministry of health and social protection, s.f.) The objective of this work is to evaluate the implementation of the comprehensive health care routes in the early childhood, childhood and adolescence cycles of the E.S.E CAMU Santa Teresita during the year 2023, since the orientation and/or education developed in the programs, in order to improve living conditions and promote self-care of users. In addition, carrying out this allows us to continue contributing to continuous improvement. In order to respond to the present descriptive study, a consultation, review and analysis of documents and resolution related to health care routes, in the cycles of early childhood, childhood and adolescence, were used as a qualitative methodological strategy; and a checklist that allows us to verify compliance with them. Results: It is expected to provide quality services to users, reduce medical complications and better coordination between the different levels of care.Publicación Acceso abierto Manual de lineamientos para la realización del presupuesto en la empresa social del estado Hospital San Diego de Cereté(2023-02-17) Soto Osta, Daniela Jose; Petro Falón, Luz NeylaThe manual for the preparation of a budget at the Empress Socials del Estado (ESE) Hospital Sandiego De Cereté, is a tool that describes the steps that must be followed to achieve the final document called institutional budget. This manual shows the budget cycle, i.e., the stages of programming, execution and closing. It is important to note that budget programming is essential for any company, especially for health care companies, because it allows knowing the sources of income and the planned and unforeseen expenses for a given period of time, as well as preventing and correcting financial errors. The manual presents in written and organized form the entire budget period in order to maintain uniformity and coordination of the activities carried out by the persons in charge of preparing and executing the budget. It also seeks to preserve mandatory items of income and operational and non-operational expenses in the ESE.Publicación Acceso abierto Propuesta para la creación de lineamientos de marketing digital para el punto de la Bolsa de Valores de la Universidad de Córdoba en convenio con la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia(2019-12-18) Ramos Pereira, Wendy Paola; Rodríguez Bermúdez, DanielEl punto de la bolsa de valores, es un convenio realizado entre la Universidad de Córdoba y la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia. Es un punto informativo y se encuentra adscrito a la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Jurídicas y Administrativas del Programa Administración en Finanzas y Negocios Internacionales. Es un espacio para recibir a los diferentes inversionistas, emisores, sociedades comisionistas de bolsa, y demás personas interesadas en conocer acerca del Mercado de valores colombiano. En el punto de la bolsa ubicado en la Universidad de Córdoba, se brindan asesorías para sus visitantes sobre temas relacionados con el mercado de capitales colombiano y educación financiera, además, de ofrecer acceso a información del mercado bursátil en tiempo real, diplomados, cursos de formación, concursos y conferencias, todos estos ofrecidos no solo para estudiantes de la carrera al cual se encuentra adscrito, sino para cualquier persona interesada en estos.