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Publicación Acceso abierto Fortalecimiento de conocimientos a los productores de algodón de Cereté, mediante la cooperación internacional(2021-07-17) Ramos Muñoz, Elsy Emilia; Ariz Jiménez, Ibeth Paola; Bárcenas Merlano, FranciscoThe present study, describes in the first part the current situación in which the cotton farmers are in the municipality of Cerete at National level, the realization of this investigation gives a great contribution to this municipality and its Vereda in special coroza las cañas , showing mainly how has been arising historically the configuration of de Agricultural Development and the crops in the municipality of cereté , to the elapse of the time, of this same, to identify the physical biotic factors of the soil for the Regional Agriculture and how these influence in the d of the crops, the region has a high Fertility due to the richness of its soil, climate and wáter network, due to the great variety of wáter bodies that are present , Among these , marshes , rivers, Canals , streams and channels, potentials that in turn have not been exploited 100 % , due to the Overuse and underuse of the soil, we will also describe the factors that have influenced the consolidation of agricultural development in the study área. One of the problems of cotton cultivation are the production costs , with time this puts at risk the continuity of the crop, because there is talk of subsidy for seend and fertilizer, but according to the crisis with the oil and the colombian peso, we find sedes that increase their Price between 30% and 40% and that makes the costs in the sector increase.