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Publicación Acceso abierto Estudio de las propiedades volumétricas y viscosimétricas de la mezcla pseudobinaria de d-(-)-ribosa en soluiones acuosas de cloruro de calcio a diferentes temperaturas (283.15K A 308.15K).(2021-01-25) Diaz Soto, Cristian Camilo; Páez Arias, FranciscoIn the present work, a systematic study of the experimental behavior of the volumetric and viscometric properties for the binary system CaCl2 and D-(- )-Ribose was carried out in different concentrations of said binary in the temperature range of (283,15-308.15) K every 5K. For this purpose, the densities and flow times of the different solutions were determined using a vibrating tube digital densimeter Anton Paar DMA 5000 with an uncertainty of 1x10-05 g.cm-3 and a digital microviscometer AMVn Anton Paar GMBH with an uncertainty of 1x10-02 s respectively. From these data the apparent molar volumes were calculated ( V ), the apparent molar volumes at infinite dilution ( 0 V ), the second derivative of the apparent molar volumes at infinite dilution with temperature ( ) 2 0 2 / P V T , molar transfer volumes ( 0 trV ), the volumetric interaction parameters ( VAB , VABB ,VABBB y VABBBB ), the absolute viscosities ( ), relative viscosities ( r ), viscosity coefficients ( AB, ), the derivative of the viscosity coefficients B with temperature, viscosity with temperature (dB dT / ) , and viscous flow activation parameters ( G , H y S ).