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Publicación Acceso abierto Actualización de la base de datos de los afiliados a la unidad administrativa especial en salud (UAES) Universidad de Córdoba-Montería(2022-07-29) María Angélica, Martínez Flórez; López Bernal, Cristian AlbertoThe present degree work deals with the study carried out at the special administrative health unit of the University of Córdoba, where observations have been made in the area of registration and affiliations on the affiliation process of users, where shortcomings have been found that they exist in a notorious way as far as the organization of the documentation in the users' folders is concerned, errors in the database since they do not have the documentation required to be affiliated with the UAES, this led to the elaboration of a form created through google forms which helps to optimize, collect and update all user documents such as citizenship card, affiliation letter among other documents, the form was created in order to the good performance of the functions of the affiliation registration area and of each dependency of the Special Administrative Unit in Health.