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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-02-18) Ramos Musiry, José Enrique; Alegría Roqueme, Daniela Paola; Tuiran Martínez, Ana; Aguas Castillo, PedroPrior to anything else, it's important to note that leadership and empowerment are topics that have recently received attention from the community at large as well as from instructors and students. In order to properly include leadership and empowerment into education, both individually and collectively, we first define these terms. This personal leadership statement emphasizes the skills and resources required to be an effective leader. Additionally, it is founded on earlier studies that have shown how effective leadership is in diverse areas of human engagement. Finally, our direct implication in leadership and empowerment which enables us to be a catalyst for positive change in not only our followers but also everyone around us.Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(2023-02-26) Baquero Flórez, Daniel Alberto; Cantero Arroyave, María Isabel; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership is nowadays considered one of the most important skills of the last century. It is present in our everyday life and happens in every place from a simple classroom to a big company. According to Daft (2008), Leadership involves influence, it occurs among people, and those people intentionally desire significant changes, and the changes reflect purposes shared by leaders and followers. In this sense, leadership is not only making individual decisions but working according to what surrounds us to achieve objectives and purposes; leadership is about how much we can inspire the ones who surround us.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Espitia Osorio, Carolina Marcela; González Estrada, Alexander; Orozco Cerpa, Lilibeth Karina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis abstract explores the concept of authentic leadership and its implications for the future. It emphasizes the qualities of authentic leaders, such as confidence, transparency, and a focus on developing others. The importance of collaboration and flexible thinking in leadership is highlighted. The abstract also discusses leadership empowerment and its role in fostering autonomy and decision-making power. The plan for future teachers is to apply the knowledge gained to become leading teachers who can bring positive change to educational institutions. In conclusion, teacher empowerment is crucial for reflective and authentic teaching practices, and schools must prioritize stakeholder commitment, leadership development, and a collaborative culture for successful leadership plans.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-18) Ruíz Cuello, Julio César; Vengoechea Díaz, Valentina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloInstitutions are always in need of a leader. This happens because of the necessity of precise qualities that helps with the development of any process. In the educational field, schools need teacher leaders. Teachers who can promote teamwork, set goals, and help their students and college to achieve those goals. In this personal statement, we will determine our approach, qualities, and future practices as teacher leaders. Thus, in the paper, a reflection of our leadership understanding will be found which includes a variety of concepts around leadership, our assumptions about teacher leadership, empowerment, and how all of this can be used inside an educational environment. The plan is the identification of the different characteristics that are needed to become a good teacher leader. This statement sets a starting line in which our professional growth starts and goals to implement once we are inside the professional field.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2021-07-14) Carmona Fierro, Carlos Andrés; Jiménez Machado, Cendy Margarita; Rhenals Suárez, Sara; Aguas Castillo, PedroThis document is made up of several parts, the first is our leadership profile, in this part, you will find our expectations and our own concept of leadership, the second part is the introduction, this part puts the reader in context about what leadership is with the help of quotes from different authors that help us to give strength to our own thoughts, thirdly we have our assumptions, here you can see what our concepts about leadership are and how this is useful to achieve and achieve different goals in different aspects but specifically in education, and in Leadership Empowerment and Implications for the Future part you can see our purposes as future leaders and also the implications that we will find during the development of our process as teachers. next part is conclusion, in this section we address what we learn along the course and finally, we have the reference section, here you can observe all the references that we use to support our paper.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2021-07-12) Muñoz Avilez, Carolay; de la Ossa Pérez, Jonathan David; Argumedo Portillo, Wendy Leonor; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis statement starts with our leadership profile as English Teachers leaders, it mentions our strengths and the values that make a solid group. Second, it presents a background of the importance that leadership has had in mankind through history. Likewise, this paper defines our concept of leadership in education and shows the different leadership styles, emphasizing in authentic leadership. Finally, it also points out our assumptions, reflecting about some aspects that teachers should take into account to be good leaders and the relation that empowerment has in the education system.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-15) Guerra Villalobos, Amilkar de Luis; Agudelo Álvarez, Leandra Fernanda; Ayala Martínez, Abel Antonio; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership is one of those concepts that are very hard to define. Leadership is not just about having the power to influence others. As demonstrated by Daft (2008) "leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes" (p. 4). It means that leadership is a relationship of influence between leaders and followers who intend genuine outcomes and changes that reflect their common purposes. In this work we are going to cover from this perspective, teacher leadership involves not only the traditional roles of teaching and mentoring students, but also a broader role of contributing to the development of educational policies, programs, and practices. The other sections will focus on our assumptions of teacher leadership, leadership empowerment and implications for the Future, and conclusions.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-26) Garcés Calderin, María Camila; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloAlthough Leadership has been a term used by several people, it is still not defined with certainty, many people have given their opinion and points of view about what leadership is, based on their beliefs and studies, but there is still no widely accepted definition. In this work, I show a little about what leadership is, the points of view of some experts, my assumptions about what this means, and how it can help us as future teachers in the educational field in the search to be leaders in the classroom. as well as empowerment, and implications for the future. With this, I seek to find a way to implement this concept in our daily lives as teachers to achieve successful educational leadership and make the educational experience a little more pleasant.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-12-18) Bermeo Conde, Jair Andrés; Quistial Renteria, Lesly Patricia; Petro Berrocal, Natalia; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn education, teachers are considered as leaders responsible not only for the learning process but also for society. They often face decisions that may not align with societal interests or understanding. This is why, recognizing the crucial role of ethical decision-making and empowerment to encourage responsible citizens and critical thinkers, schools find it imperative to delve into the profound understanding of moral leadership. This paper focuses on addressing such challenges through the lens of moral leadership in education, exploring its assumptions, implications for the future, and the empowering role of teachers in shaping morally responsible individuals. This proposed statement serves as the final outcome of the Diploma course 'Lifelong Professional Development: Empowering Foreign Language Teachers'. Thus, it prepares undergraduate students to be future foreign language teacher leaders who are committed to ethical values such as justice, equality and responsibility. These values can be promoted in the classroom through the teaching of ethical content, the creation of an environment of respect and tolerance, and the modelling of ethical behaviour by the teacher.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-02-16) Contreras Peña, Juan José; Pastrana Benedetti, Andrés; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis is a description of our current leadership profile and how it will help us to empower ourselves in order to get a better teacher performance.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-12-22) Álvarez Ibáñez, Adriana Lucia; Sánchez Lora, Yulissa; Watts Marchena, Claudia; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn the realm of education strategic leadership is an evolving concept that transcends in the realm of education strategic leadership is an evolving concept that transcends traditional administrative roles, emphasizing the need for educators to navigate complexity and drive positive change. This personal leadership statement our approach, qualities and future practices as strategic teachers’ leaders. Teachers equipped with strategic leadership skills are better positioned to adapt to dynamic educational environments, address diverse student needs, and contribute to institutional progress. Thus, in the paper we will give an original response that reflects our leadership knowledge perspectives, our assumptions, and implication for future practices, exploring how strategic thinking, vision alignment, and collaborative decision-making empower educators to proactively address challenges within classrooms. The plan proposed that as future strategic leaders in education, we must embrace a proactive and forward-thinking mindset, integrating strategic leadership principles into our instructional practices, and contribute significantly to the transformative journey of education, ensuring that classrooms become hubs of inspiration, critical thinking, and holistic development.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-08-06) Romero Mendoza, Paula Valentina; Tirado Dúmar, María Inés; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThrough the years, leadership has been related to education and how teachers can apply their lead in the classroom while teaching a foreign language. Throughout their career, teachers are seen as guides in reasoning, and guides in the creation of the personal project in their students’ lives. Therefore, understanding and exploring the teacher leader’s role in the educational field is important. Leadership has been defined in different ways, hence there is no precise concept and this has caused different assumptions and misunderstandings that are based on things different from reality. This paper seeks to show our perception of teacher leadership, our leadership as a group and as individuals, as well as the implications that teacher empowerment will have on our professional lives.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-28) Arciria Muslasco, Aideth Sofia; Hernández Jiménez, Yenis Edith; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThe purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the significance of teacher leadership and the definition of leadership and the qualities of a leader. In addition to defining teacher empowerment, describing leadership empowerment, and its benefits for those in the community, to encourage teachers to be effective leaders process at the same time it has the aim to empower students to achieve together a goal in the academic environment and be empowered to prove valuable classes. Additionally, this article provides the authors' assumptions, possible impacts, training knowledge, and personal aims and expectations as future teachers to have proper classroom management and effectively manage the classes.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-02-20) Buendía Almario, Thalía; Montes Martínez, Ayelen; Aguas Castillo, PedroThe educational field is a big place where schools and people in charge need to awaken and realize that leadership empowerment is essential nowadays in our educational system. To achieve it, principals, schools, and teachers need to be open-minded and collaborative with the resources provided to change the perceptions and accept the challenge to be an empowered teacher leader. This paper focuses on and describes teacher leadership empowerment in the educational process. This course prepared all of us to perceive our qualities as leaders and how to use them for the community we belong to, this leadership statement stated the importance and advantages of leadership empowerment in schools.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-02-18) Arias Delgado, Yaira Yulieth; Otero Rojas, Juan Pablo; Aguas Castillo, PedroThroughout history, the concept of leadership has shifted and evolved in such a way that not only are there plenty of definitions related to it but, subsequently, different types of leadership. Due to this, when treating this topic in the educational context, the metaphorical lines between leadership and authority have been blurred. This personal leadership statement details our notions, approach, and forward-looking aspirations as teacher-leaders. This paper is a culminating learning task of a Lifelong Professional Development: Empowering Foreign Language Teachers course. Accordingly, this statement seeks to bring innovative and transformational ideas about learning and authentic leadership to the educational community as a support for their journey into the ever-changing educational system. This statement then acts as a premise and foundation to positively impact the construction of leadership and empowerment values in education as teacher-leaders.Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-22) Díaz Mejía, Jason Jair; Montes Márquez, Ingrid Paola; Sarmiento Barón, Sergio Adrián; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloRooted in a historical exploration of leadership concepts and their pivotal role in human progress and organizational success, this paper delves into the critical distinction between effective leadership and mere management, echoing the insights of various authors. Shifting focus to adaptive leadership, particularly within Educational Leadership, the narrative underscores the imperative for leaders to remain receptive to change and perpetual transformation. The overarching purpose of this paper is to present an original response, articulating current leadership understanding on concepts, assumptions, collaborative work, empowerment, and implications for potential practices. A specific emphasis is placed on identifying the learning task as the final assignment/learning of a course of study, serving as a foundational point for community building and professional goal setting at the undergraduate level.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2021-07-14) Castro Cabarcas, Isabela; Amador Agámez, Valentina; Lázaro Morales, Gisela; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis article aims to show the importance of teacher leadership, its concept, and the characteristics of a leader. In addition to defining teacher's empowerment, describing leadership empowerment, and its benefits for people around, with the purpose to encourage teachers to be good leaders and be empowered to develop classes in a better way. Likewise, this article contains personal assumptions, implications for the future, experience throughout the course, and the personal goals and expectations of the authors as future teachers, and thus be able to have adequate management in the classroom and develop the classes effectively.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2013-07-14) Montes Ochoa, Saray Esther; Velasquez Molina, Juan Jose; Guerra Ayazo, Sharon; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn the ever-evolving landscape of education, personal leadership has emerged as a crucial aspect for educational leaders. One of the key drivers behind the focus on personal leadership in education is the recognition that effective leadership is essential for creating positive learning environments and improving educational outcomes. This paper explores the concept of transformational leadership, which focuses on inspiring and empowering followers to achieve common goals. The assumptions of transformational leadership are discussed, emphasizing the importance of personal values, beliefs, and qualities of the leader in driving change. The paper also highlights the benefits of collaborative work in understanding leadership dynamics and shaping oneself as a professional and teacher-leader. Furthermore, the concept of leadership empowerment is explored, emphasizing the significance of providing autonomy, support, and resources to educators to improve their professional expertise and foster student achievement. The proposed plan aims to empower students to become the best versions of themselves and inspire others throughout their lives by developing their leadership capabilities and driving their own personal growth processes.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-18) Pacheco Gómez, Angie Vanessa; Ramirez Hernández, Angela Leonor; Pedro Pablo Aguas CastilloThe development of leadership skills leads to higher performance and encourages the student population to work harder and achieve personal success. Consequently, it is intended to reach objectives proposed in the academic plans, through the implementation, application of leadership, and empowerment in learning. This paper describes a personal leadership statement rooted in authentic leadership theory at the University of Cordoba. The plan is to complete successfully and to provide an example for future personal leadership statements. In this sense, the plan prepares future teacher leaders to incorporate the principles of leadership and empowerment into their leadership programs as they apply them in specific academic settings. This personal leadership statement proposed details some strategies for expanding leadership skills and empowerment in different scenarios and achieving competence in professional development.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-08-06) Olivero Vidal, Angie Melissa; Bravo Ricardo, Agustín Alberto; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloOver the years, leadership has been increasing in education through institutions. This is due to the need to seek qualities in teachers that help specify the development of any student since in the entire educational field they must leadership teachers capable of promoting empowerment and teamwork are needed. Therefore, in the document, there will be found a variety of concepts related to our understanding of leadership and also our assumptions about teacher leadership, empowerment, and how this can be of vital importance for our educational environment. Thus, the plan is to be able to identify the different characteristics that must be taken into account to be an excellent teacher leader. This declaration is given with a great start where our professional development and the objectives to put into practice when we are in the professional field are observed