Examinando por Materia "Educational field"
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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-26) Garcés Calderin, María Camila; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloAlthough Leadership has been a term used by several people, it is still not defined with certainty, many people have given their opinion and points of view about what leadership is, based on their beliefs and studies, but there is still no widely accepted definition. In this work, I show a little about what leadership is, the points of view of some experts, my assumptions about what this means, and how it can help us as future teachers in the educational field in the search to be leaders in the classroom. as well as empowerment, and implications for the future. With this, I seek to find a way to implement this concept in our daily lives as teachers to achieve successful educational leadership and make the educational experience a little more pleasant.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-17) Betín Pérez, Karina; García Ríos, María Sofía; Márquez Funes, Nely; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloOver the years, different methods, approaches, and academic methodologies have been provided in the field of education, which have been of support and help to teachers when they seek to carry out their plans in the classroom. However, teacher leadership is the most primordial and professional tool implemented in the educational field in order to achieve better results in teaching. Therefore, this paper describes the variety of existing concepts about what leadership is, its implications, and its relevance in the educational-academic field. Moreover, in this article, we will give an answer to what leadership, empowerment, teacher leadership, and collaborative work are for us. The plan is for the entire educational community, be they teachers, students, or leading parents, to have autonomy but, above all, empowerment. Thus, this plan assists the various members of the educational institution with the aim of achieving common goals as a team and individual goals as a means of personal improvement.