Examinando por Materia "Educational environment"
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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2013-07-14) Montes Ochoa, Saray Esther; Velasquez Molina, Juan Jose; Guerra Ayazo, Sharon; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn the ever-evolving landscape of education, personal leadership has emerged as a crucial aspect for educational leaders. One of the key drivers behind the focus on personal leadership in education is the recognition that effective leadership is essential for creating positive learning environments and improving educational outcomes. This paper explores the concept of transformational leadership, which focuses on inspiring and empowering followers to achieve common goals. The assumptions of transformational leadership are discussed, emphasizing the importance of personal values, beliefs, and qualities of the leader in driving change. The paper also highlights the benefits of collaborative work in understanding leadership dynamics and shaping oneself as a professional and teacher-leader. Furthermore, the concept of leadership empowerment is explored, emphasizing the significance of providing autonomy, support, and resources to educators to improve their professional expertise and foster student achievement. The proposed plan aims to empower students to become the best versions of themselves and inspire others throughout their lives by developing their leadership capabilities and driving their own personal growth processes.