Examinando por Materia "Digital educational materials (MED)"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Materiales educativos digitales para fortalecer la enseñanza de los estudiantes con discapacidad cognitiva(2021-01-20) Narváez Martínez, Nellys María; Lee, Linda LuzCognitive Disability in the educational context involves the individual (communication, socialization, autonomy, behavioral) and environmental aspects of students that change over time. For this reason, it is necessary that teachers take into account the needs of students with cognitive disabilities, since they depend on more extensive and generalized supports, both in the school and family context. Due to this, teachers use Inclusive Digital Educational Materials as a facilitating tool for the teaching-learning process of students with cognitive disabilities, since they help to promote effective and inclusive learning models in a didactic way. This document expresses different opinions of various authors of Cognitive Disability and Digital / Inclusive Educational Materials, and takes into consideration their concepts, characteristic elements and different typologies.