Examinando por Materia "Deficiencia visual"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Barreras percibidas por las personas con discapacidad visual en la prestación de los servicios de salud, Montería 2020(2021-01-22) Pacheco de la Espriella, Yarledys; Sánchez Peralta, Doris Madolina; Orozco Valeta, MarthaIntroduction: Opportunities for visually impaired people are scarce and often do not have full enjoyment and enjoyment of their rights so it is necessary to identify the barriers, from their lived experiences. Objective: to characterize the barriers perceived by visually impaired people against the provision of health services in the city of Montería -Córdoba. Methodology: descriptive study with qualitative approach which makes it possible to approach social reality from non-quantitative data; as an information-gathering technique the semi-structured interview was used, until the level of information saturation was reached. The information obtained in the interviews was transcribed, narrative readings were made, content analysis was submitted, similarities and differences were grouped together, and eventually the formation of categories and subcategories was given. Results: The barriers perceived by visually impaired persons that are constituted in communicative, attitudinal and physical are evident. Changes in infrastructure, implementation of communication strategies and ongoing training of service personnel are relevant to their elimination. Conclusions: the research made it possible to understand the significance of the barriers faced by visually impaired persons in the provision of health services, revealing the lack of equity in health and care for that population, and also shows an unfavourable and unexplored situation, as well as the fundamental role of health workers in overcoming barriers.