Examinando por Materia "Contexto sociocultural"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Recursos didáctico – musicales como herramientas para facilitar el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje en la asignatura de Lengua Castellana en grado 3-1 de primaria de la Institución Educativa San José de Montería, Córdoba(2021-01-23) Jiménez Acosta, Luis Fernel; Blanco Rodríguez, Mario David; Pico España, Camilo Andrés; Zumaqué Gómez, Nunila SobeidaThis qualitative - inductive research project is oriented towards the enhancement of teaching and learning of Spanish language subject for the group one of the third grade of primary at San Jose Educational Institution placed in Montería, Colombia. First, it is expected to fulfill an analysis of the social reality, the culture and the education environment to comprehend the general cognitive process and facilitate a meaningful learning under the construction of knowledge in compliance with the Basic Standards of Competencies stablished by the National Education Ministry, using the appropriate pedagogical strategies and the music teaching resources as a mean to reach such goal. Those resources promote the development of creativity and the academic performance of children due to the creation of an ideal atmosphere provided to meet the needs displayed by the reality of the education system in consideration of the learner experiential nature for the development of content and the specific socio-cultural context. This study offers alternatives for the learning of contents through the direct experience with the students by means of a dynamic process when teaching, which assists the improvement of the educational achievement in Spanish language subject concerning the use of music teaching resources designed and applied in this proposal, making possible the articulation of 8 the basic musical elements, such as rhythm and melody with the scholar subject at hand for the benefit of the students holistic development; specifically in the psychomotor aspect, concentration, memory, creativity, emotional sensibility and teamwork, articulation.