Examinando por Materia "Comunicación oral"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Improving oral communication and listening skills under the national internship program at George’s Noble School(Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-08) Jiménez Royo, Eduardo José; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Lordouy Arellano, Danilsa Del CarmenThis report describes my internship experience at George’s Noble School, which I carried out with preschool students in grade Green. The main objective of this internship was to improve oral communication and listening skills through different strategies where I tried to implement each one of them in the lesson plan I designed, and performed at school. In addition, this report shows the pedagogies, and methodologies that were used to complete my internship and gain the results, conclusions, limitations, and recommendations I wanted to share with future teachers.Publicación Restringido Internship at La Ribera school: Bilingualism for Peace program(2022-08-01) Romero Carvajal, Katty Marcela; Pastrana Muñoz, Juan CarlosThis paper is intended to report my internship experience in the Bilingualism for Peace Program. My internship was carried out through in-person classes and virtual classes at the Intitutución Educativa La Ribera (IE La Ribera) in Monteria which had as purpose to help students from 7, 8, 9, and 10th grades to improve their oral communication due to the difficulty they presented to express and communicate ideas or opinions, and thus achieve a better performance in the English classes. Moreover, explains in detail the pedagogical perspectives on which this educational proposal is based, that is Task-Based Language Learning, Learning center teaching, Self-Creative Approach, Gamification and Remote Learning. In addition, the different results evidenced in their learning process and some examples of improvement in oral communication in terms of presentations, working in groups, implementing their creativity and vocabulary acquisition. A part of this, my growth and improvement in my performance as a teacher and human being and finally, some recommendations to the English program to continue working and preparing students for their academic life.Publicación Acceso abierto Using game-based conversational activities to enhance oral interaction in a primary school in Montería(2023-02-02) Archila Ruidíaz, Andrés Camilo; González Lara, Delia RosaThis qualitative action research aimed, firstly, to examine whether or not the implementing game-based conversational activities enhance oral interaction in a group of 5th grade students from a public school of Montería taking into consideration the advantages of games to develop speaking skills. Secondly, to know students’ opinions regarding the deployment of games based conversational activities in the class. The data collection was done through the implementation of production tasks (game based conversational activities), active observation, audio-visual recordings, focus groups and semi-structured interviews; besides, it was carried out thematic analysis to generate the categories of this study. The results showed a slight increment on students’ oral interaction after the implementation of games, also, it was observed a positive impact on students’ engagement, reduction of negative feelings related to expressing ideas orally during the English class, while students also seemed to enhance their confidence to speak in English, as well as collaborate more with peers. Future studies of games-base activities should consider the adaptation of games frameworks taking into account students’ context and communicative approaches, strategies to minimize disruptive behavior, the relevance of non-verbal communication as complement during oral interaction as well as the impact of games to reduce the use of the L1 during L2 learning.